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Landing Stutters Back?

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Did landing stutters resurface for anyone with 3.12.

Stutters near ground are almost always down to stuff like autogen and other ground scenery. Try turning something down.

You may also get them with busy airports if you have the AI traffic set high. In version 3.12 FSUIPC is collecting more information on AI traffic now, but the time difference should be minimal -- by all means experiment with a lower value for the "TrafficScanPerFrame" parameter in the FSUIPC.INI file. By default it is set to scan 10 of traffic per frame. On faster PCs values even as high as 100 there seem to make no differences, however. The routines are fast.

Alternatively you could program a button or key to reduce traffic density on approach. The new controls "Traffic Density Set" or possibly "Traffic Density Toggle" can be used for this. They are in the drop-down list in FSUIPC's Keys and Buttons pages. Be warned that whilst reducing AI traffic doesn't cause much of a hesitation, increasing it again stops FS for a short time whilst it re-reads the Traffic file (a progress bar appears).



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Thanks very much for the detailed reply. I have MyTraffic installed.

I have Ultimate Traffic installed, which is probably more intense, but there's no difference in performance since updating FSUIPC. However, try version 3.125, now available from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson, see if it helps at all.



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