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FSUIPC7.exe and ntdll.dll keep getting me to do CTD


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Hello there!

hope all of you are doing well!


after 3000 hours spend to fly VFR i decide to bought PMDG 737.
i finish to build my little home cockpit with some hardware. I spend a lot of time and resource...

I need to use FSUIPC7 for use CPFLIGHT MCP and Efis.
Anyway, from the first day one i continue to see CTD due to this error:

This happen without any logic. On ground. During a TO, in climb, in cruise... 


Name of the application that generated the error: FSUIPC7.exe, version:, timestamp: 0x62bb068b
Name of the module that generated the error: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.19041.1806, timestamp: 0x1000a5b9
Exception code: 0xc000041d
Error offset 0x0000000000063416
Process ID that generated the error: 0x191c
Start time of the application that generated the error: 0x01d89b642cc33377
Path of the application that generated the error: 😧 \ FSUIPC7 \ FSUIPC7.exe
Path to the module that generated the error: 😄 \ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ ntdll.dll
Report ID: 965455a7-366d-4bfc-bc79-f4acea7a4924
Full package name that generated the error:
Application ID for the package that generated the error


I thought it might be an antivirus related problem, and I disabled it.
I have disabled windows defender.
I have removed all packages in the community folder

I changed video drivers without success.

The pmdg is updated to the latest version.
FSUIPC7 is updated to the latest version.

Please help me if you have any ideas.
I'm starting to lose hope


All the best



Last log:
Main log in attach.


 788844   [INFO]:     ID=1880 GuardClosedA = 0.000000
   788844   [INFO]:     ID=1881 GuardOpenA = 0.000000
   788844   [INFO]:     ID=1882 Packs = 0.000000
   788844   [INFO]:     ID=1883 FLTALTRotary = 0.000000
  2698922 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xC000014B
  2698922 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Traffic Message, return = 0xC000014B
  2703094 MSFS no longer running - exiting
  2703094 === Hot key unregistered
  2703094 === Stop called ...



Edited by Blinn1980
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Are you sure that it is FSUIPC7 that is crashing, and not MSFS? Was MSFS still running? If so, what happens when you restart FSUIPC7 - does it connect and function correctly?

Also, check for MSFS crash reports before the FSUIPC7 one that you posted. Usually this FSUIPC7 error is reported (it is an error, not a crash!) as it is MSFS that has crashed and then this error is generated in FSUIPC due to the simconnect connection no longer being available. The log you posted indicates that FSUIPC7 exited as MSFS was no longer running:


  2698922 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Message, return = 0xC000014B
  2698922 Failed on SimConnect_CallDispatch for Traffic Message, return = 0xC000014B
  2703094 MSFS no longer running - exiting

If it is MSFS that is crashing, you should check the Asobo as well as the PMDG forums, and maybe report the crash to Asobo.

Note also if using the PMDG 737 for MSFS, you can try with the latest FSUIPC7 beta version with the PMDG offsets available (if you use those) - see this post:


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