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Fsuip 7 MSFS2020


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Has anybody had this problem when i install fsuip7 whne you look at the icon on the desktop it say MSFS under it it used to say fsuip7 now it says MSFS i cant seem to open the menu bar for fsuip7 to enable wasm any help would be good.




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55 minutes ago, Matt121121 said:

whne you look at the icon on the desktop it say MSFS under it it used to say fsuip7 now it says MSFS

It is labeled MSFS as this is an additional feature that displays a splash screen while MSFS is starting. It has been like this for a long time (over a year!). Please read the Installation and Registration guide which explains what is installed and where.

57 minutes ago, Matt121121 said:

i cant seem to open the menu bar for fsuip7 to enable wasm any help would be good.

What do you mean by this? Is FSUIPC7 running - do you see the FSUIPC7 splash screen when it is started? If so, it should be sitting in your system tray from where you can open the main window. You can also open the main window using the (default) hot key combination Alt+F.  Also the WASM should be enabled by default in the latest version.


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