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FSUIPC loadf and crashes

Reynaldo Duarte

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46 minutes ago, Reynaldo Duarte said:

The programs open and in some soconds it clashes/closes.

Why do you think this? When FSUIPC7 starts, it shows a splash screen and is iconised to your system tray, from where you can open it, or use the default hot-key Alt+F to open the FSUIPC7 main window.

Please read the provided documentation, and if you have any issues show me your FSUIPC7.log file, not your installation log - that looks fine.


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8 hours ago, Reynaldo Duarte said:

I could not find FSUIPC7.log file, where is that located?

It will be under your FSUIPC7 installation folder, i.e. C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.log

If it is crashing, do you see any errors? Is there a crash  event in the windows logs (accessible using Event Viewer)?

If FSUIPC7 is not starting correctly (or crashing on start-up) this is usually due to your system not having the  required VC++ redistributables installed - check the provided README.txt for details.


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Dear Mr Dowson

I am sending the Fsuipc7 directory picture and it did not create a log file. I could not sau it as crash but the program does not open.

I´am sending you also a small video showing the behaviour of Fsuipc;

I click, it starts and thenm after about 20 seconds it closes. No log file generated;


I turned off Malware and Firewall programs as well



fsuipc win directory.jpeg

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Did you check the event viewer to see if there is a crash report?

And as I said: If FSUIPC7 is not starting correctly (or crashing on start-up) this is usually due to your system not having the  required VC++ redistributables installed - check the provided README.txt for details.

You also have windows explorer set to hide know file extensions, so you wouldn't see the log file anyway.  I recommend that you update yout windows explorer settings - see the Addendum in the Installing and Registering FSUIPC7 document.


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Dear Mr Downson

I did the following steps

1- I tried to search windows events (event viewer)  and could not find any event related to Fsuipc

2- After that I decided to format 😄 my PC and did a fresh install of MSFS2020 and installed Fsuipc

3- The problems persists I really do not know how to handle it.

4- It opens and appears a windows says PREPARONG THE CABIN - PLEASE WAIT and after 1 min it closes.



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11 hours ago, Reynaldo Duarte said:

I tried to reinstall vcruntime140.dll with no success at all.

What does this mean?

If you want my assistance in this matter, it would help if you could answer my questions and follow my instructions...

Did you try starting FSUIPC7 directly (by double-clicking the FSUIPC7.exe)? What do you see?
Have you re-installed the combined VC++ redistributables, as indicated in the README.txt (i.e. uninstall the ones currently installed and install the combined package available from Microsoft)?

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Sorry, I thought you had understood that  I followed your advice.

Did you try starting FSUIPC7 directly (by double-clicking the FSUIPC7.exe)? What do you see? THE WINDOWS OPENS AND THEN CLOSES WITHOUT START THE PROGRAM
Have you re-installed the combined VC++ redistributables, as indicated in the README.txt (i.e. uninstall the ones currently installed and install the combined package available from Microsoft)? YES I DID INSTALL THE REDISTRIBUTED VC++ IN MICROSFOT SITE 


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On 8/13/2022 at 2:59 PM, Reynaldo Duarte said:


What window? Did you see a splash screen? Did you see any pop-up error message?
If not, try opening a command prompt window and start FSUIPC7 from the command line, and see if that gives an error message.

On 8/13/2022 at 2:59 PM, Reynaldo Duarte said:


Every issue I have previously seen for FSUIPC7 not starting is due to the correct VC++ redisitributables not being installed. Did you install the combined Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 redistributable packages for both x64 and x86, and also manually uninstall any individual or combined VC++ redistibutables from those years if already installed before you installed the latest packages? If not, please do that.

Also please check the event viewer - of it is not starting, it must have crashed and there must be evidence of this somewhere...

And are you sure FSUIPC7 isn't tunning - when you start FSUIPC7, it should show a splash screen for a few seconds and then it will be iconised to your system tray, from where it can be opened. You can also use Alt+F which is the default hot key to open the FSUI{C7 main window.


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Mr Dowson

As I said the FSuipc is not working yet. It´s strange because I use your products for years without problems.

I followed all your suggestions:

1- Uninstall and re-install VC redistributable installed (VC_redist.x64)

2- Unistall and Install FSuipc

3- There is a splash screen, after that program closes and no log file saves.

4- Event manager>




- <System>
  <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM" Guid="{1B562E86-B7AA-4131-BADC-B6F3A001407E}" EventSourceName="DCOM" />
  <EventID Qualifiers="0">10016</EventID>
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-08-17T21:04:52.4423715Z" />
  <Correlation ActivityID="{c79f6a32-17ac-45eb-813e-5ee3ff83e67a}" />
  <Execution ProcessID="1276" ThreadID="19308" />
  <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-2654457660-3979763937-757484826-1003" />
- <EventData>
  <Data Name="param1">específico do aplicativo</Data>
  <Data Name="param2">Local</Data>
  <Data Name="param3">Ativação</Data>
  <Data Name="param4">{2593F8B9-4EAF-457C-B68A-50F6B8EA6B54}</Data>
  <Data Name="param5">{15C20B67-12E7-4BB6-92BB-7AFF07997402}</Data>
  <Data Name="param6">CASASP</Data>
  <Data Name="param7">Reynaldo</Data>
  <Data Name="param8">S-1-5-21-2654457660-3979763937-757484826-1003</Data>
  <Data Name="param9">LocalHost (Usando LRPC)</Data>
  <Data Name="param10">Não Disponível</Data>
  <Data Name="param11">Não Disponível</Data>
I really tried everything I could to solve it with no success. Maybe the events could explain
Best regards




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I am confused...are you running FSUIPC or MSFS? The windows events you are showing ,e say that you cannot launch MSFS, not FSUIPC7. What splash screen are you seeing - the MSFS one (displayed from the MSFS icon or MSFS.bat file) or the FSUIPC7 splash screen (displayed when  FSUIPC7 starts)?
Have you tried just running FSUIPC7, by double-clicking the FSUIPC7.exe (NOT using the MSFS desktop icon or MSFS.bat file)?
Can you run MSFS (without FSUIPC7), i.e. from MS Store the Microsoft Flight Simulator icon or start menu item?


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1 hour ago, Reynaldo Duarte said:

Finally, Problem Solved

I tried to open the main EXE file and SUCCESS

When I use the desktop icon it does not work

But I don't think there ever was a problem...with FSUIPC7 at least. The desktop MSFS icon that FSUIPC installs DOES NOT START FSUIPC7, it only starts MSFS (that is why it is labeled that way!). It is MSFS that starts FSUIPC7. This is why I was continually asking you to try and just run the FSUIPC7.exe...

1 hour ago, Reynaldo Duarte said:

When I use the desktop icon it does not work

As I said, the desktop icon only runs MSFS, not FSUIPC7. Are you saying that the desktop icon doe not start MSFS, or that using that icon starts MSFS but FSUIPC7 is not started? If the latter, then your problem is with FSUIPC7 not auto-starting, NOT that it is 'loading and crashing', as your topic title indicates. For this issue, PLEASE see the following FAQ entry: 

I understand that it may not be obvious to you what the issue was, but if you had answered my questions and followed my instructions we could have resolved this issue a lot quicker. Maybe also take a look at the provided documentation, especially the README.txt, the Installation and Registration guide and the User guide.


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