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FSUIPC recording and reporting query


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Good evening. 

I am having a little issue with a custom VA acars software thats recording an un-commanded pause, the acars software pulls the info via FSUIPC7, so the pause command is being received by FSUIPC and forwarded on to the ACARS. 

I don't think I have set up any recording logs for FSUIPC, but is there a way to do this, to find out what MSFS is doing to issue the pause records. 

Kind regards.


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You can activate logging for Events in FSUIPC7, then take a look at the FSUIPC7.log. You can also log offset 0x0264 (as U16 in hex) which will log the 3 distinct pause states as:

    0x1 -pause set
    0x2 - pause on/off
    0x4 - esc pause

Note that MSFS can also be in multiple pause states at the same time.

Btw, you posted in the main DSUIPC support forum. I will move your post to the FSUIPC7/MSFS sub-forum.



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Thanks for the reply John and sorry for posting in the wrong place.

Since I started the topic here, another chap has said that during the door/stair animations in the Just Flight 146, MSFS is reporting a pause state, do you know why that would happen, or what causes it?

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No, I don't, sorry. Logging will show you the pause state changes, but not what is sending these. If its coming from FSUIPC, additional logging (and/or checking the FSUIPC7.ini file and maybe luas or macros - for registered versions). If its coming from an FSUIPC 3rd-party client, IPC Write logging should show this (although that can be difficult to interpret).  

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