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Auto save

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your autosave module is to me one of teh best moodules i have but i have a problam i cannot open up the saved flights in fs2004. so i tried serching for them in teh main directory and i cant find any autosave fiels can anyone tell me where they are stored?

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i cant find any autosave fiels can anyone tell me where they are stored?

From FS2004's Flights dialogue you should see them in the "My Saved Flights" section, as AutoSave simply calls the same routine as used when you save a flight explicitly.

As for the actual folder, it depends what version of Windows you are using I think. In Windows XP it will be in your "My Documents" folder, in the subfolder "Flight Simulator Files" (or equivalent in your FS language version if not English). This is where the "My Saved Flights" go.



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