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FSUIPC and Squawbox Weather and FS2004

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I'm using FSD server software for Squawbox in LAN. (It's the same software IVAO is using). FSD provided a weather file, wich allows squawkbox to set this weather automaticly. Now in FS2002 the assigned weather is showed perfecly.

But in FS2004, I sometimes have to use "Clear All Weather" within FSUIPC, otherwise the weather won't change again. Then Squawbox wheather is again ok, but only for a few updates.

My thought is that the themes of FS2004 a messing a bit with the weather Squawbkox wants to set. Although the weather configuration of FS2003 is set to "User-defined".

I use version 3.125 (Registered !).

Davy Jonet

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But in FS2004, I sometimes have to use "Clear All Weather" within FSUIPC, otherwise the weather won't change again. Then Squawbox wheather is again ok, but only for a few updates.

My thought is that the themes of FS2004 a messing a bit with the weather Squawbkox wants to set. Although the weather configuration of FS2003 is set to "User-defined".

Yes, FS2004 certainly messes with the weather, but not just with themes. There's a discussion about this in the back of the FSUIPC User Guide (see "FS2004 global weather control is problematic!"), and this is also reproduced in the "IMPORTANT" announcement at the top of this Forum.

In short, I don't think any weather program using the global weather setting methods of FS2002 and before will give good results in FS2004. Both FSMeteo and ActiveWeather have been changed substasntially to get over this.



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