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Posted (edited)

*** Moved from FAQ sub-forum to main support forum ***

Apparently chars vs numbers cause issue  when dealingg with strings...

I wanted to grab text from the end of  ipc.readSTR(0x0130, 256) which is the loaded flight plan .pln file



zzz = ipc.readSTR(0x0130, 256)
xyz = string.sub (zzz, -22)
abc=ipc.ask("here" .. xyz, WHITE)

returns nothing...

but if I hardcode zzz with "data within double quotes"
last 22 chars are returned

how do i make this work in a simple solution ?

Edited by John Dowson
Moved to main support forum

First, you posted in the FAQ sub-forum where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. Please take care to post in the correct forum for support, which is here or in the FSUIPC7 / MSFS sub-forum.

I am not sure what your issue is, but sounds like the offset being read is empty. Why don't you try logging the value after it has been read, e.g.

zzz = ipc.readSTR(0x0130, 256)
ipc.log("String read from 0x0130: " .. zzz)

xyz = string.sub (zzz, -22)
ipc.log("Last 22 chars: " .. xyz)

  On 9/21/2022 at 4:14 PM, Fltbuff7197 said:

Apparently chars vs numbers cause issue  when dealingg with strings...


I don't know what you mean by this - you are not using any lua numbers...but if you want to use a string as an integer, you can use the lua tonumber(string) function.

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