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ASP3D won't work because of FSCUIPC

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So I emailed the ASP3D support team figure out my problem for ActiveSky not connecting to P3D and they said it was something to do with FSCUIPC. Apparently my FSCUIPC was outdated and had an invalid login inforrmation.. So I fixed that got my login information from my email and reinstalled FSCUIPC and logged in from there. But it still won't solve my problem for active sky not connecting. 


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Why are you posting me ASP3D logs? It means nothing to me - show them to AS. You can post your FSUIPC log file here, not logs from other client programs.

And the title of your post is very misleading. It is not working as you do not have it configure correctly, not due to FSUIPC. Is FSUIPC even running?


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You attached the log file when FSUIPC6 was still running. Please always exit FSUIPC before attaching a log file.

I really don't see how FSUIPC can stop ASP3D connecting to P3D. You are using the latest version of FSUIPC (i.e it is not outdated) and FSUIPC does not store any login information  - it only uses your FSUIPC registration details which your log shows are valid (as well as having nothing to do with ASP3D!).

I suggest you go back to ASP3D support for this issue.


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