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FSUIPC stops MSFS from loading and leaves it broken when uninstalled


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*** Topic moved to FSUIPC7 / MSFS sub-forum ***


since I installed FSUIPC my sim won't load. or it loads but loads for three hours and at some point becomes unresponsive. So I uninstalled FSUIPC and reinstalled it. I turnt off the auto launch option, and no there is no WASM (or whatever it is called) module anywhere in my community folder. The issue persists when I launch the sim without FSUIPC auto launching. So, I uninstalled FSUIPC and guess what? It is still broken and doesn't load anymore. So, I assume, now I am looking forward to the joyful experience of reinstalling the whole simulator and all the addon scenery again. 🙂 Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.

Edited by John Dowson
Moved to FSUIPC7 support forum
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FSUIPC cannot possibly cause any of the symptoms you describe. 

10 hours ago, kickikack said:

I turnt off the auto launch option, and no there is no WASM (or whatever it is called) module anywhere in my community folder.

If you did no install the WASM or the auto-start component, then FSUIPC7 as no affect in MSFS at all until you run it - i.e. it makes no changes to anything in your MSFS installation. Installing the auto-start component only modifies one additional file (EXE.xml) in an MSFS folder, and installing the WASM only installs that into your MSFS Community folder. Nothing is changed in MSFS itself

10 hours ago, kickikack said:

So, I uninstalled FSUIPC and guess what? It is still broken and doesn't load anymore.

Uninstalling FSUIPC7 will leave MSFS in exactly the same state as it was before you installed FSUIPC7.

I therefore cannot see how FSUIPC7 has anything to do with any of your issues, sorry.


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