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Ich kann mich nicht Registrieren


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*** Moved from FAQ sub-forum to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum ***


ich habe mir soeben den FSUIPC7 gekauft. ich wollte mich bei der Installation Registrieren und funktioniert nicht. Ich habe schon mit dem Support von Simmarket gesprochen die konnten mir nicht weiter helfen. Ich habe schon alles probiert Groß/Kleinschreibung..., so wie es in der Anleitung steht per Copy and Paste hat alles nicht funktioniert. Was kann man da machen, dass es funktioniert?

Mit freundlich Grüßen 

Edited by John Dowson
Moved to FSUIPC7 support forum
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First, you posted in the FAQ sub-forum where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. I have moved your post to the correct sub-forum - the one for FSUIPC7 support. Please take care to post in the correct place for support.

49 minutes ago, danny17617 said:

I've already tried everything upper/lower case..., as it says in the instructions via copy and paste, everything didn't work. What can you do to make it work?

Have you read the provided Installing and Registering FSUIPC7 document, section Invalid Key Problems? I suspect not....please consult the documentation before requesting support - you will usually find your answer there... So, please consult that document.

99% of all registration issues are due to either the registration details being entered incorrectly or the VC++ redistibutables needing an update.


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Hi John, after a couple years I went back to fs2020 and now I use your fsuipc again. but at the time it was version 4 and now I cant register anymore. Do I have to buy it again or is it a bug. Just like danny, I copy-paste everything, there cannot be a spelling mistake. Thank you for a quick answer and talk to you soon. Jonas

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Each major version of FSUIPC (FSUIPC3, FSUIPC4, FSUIPC5 & FSUIPC6) requires its own license. This is stated in many places and should be obvious as each product is available to purchase separately. I really don't understand why I have to reply to this same question several times a week - and this is the 2nd time today...


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Dear John, as a business owner myself I can understand your frustration, but keep in mind that customers sometimes need assistance and they do not know what you are answering all day long. And no, its not clear that every update must be purchased again. Anyways, thank you for your response. Jonas.

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11 hours ago, Phulays said:

And no, its not clear that every update must be purchased again.

All updates to each product version are free, and do not require a new purchase, However, different versions of FSUIPC are for specific FS;s and require a specific license.
This has been the case for over 20 years, and has been asked and commented on continually over this period.
Maybe I should name them differently to avoid this waste of time.....


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