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FSUIPC_WAPI Debug Library


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Hi John,

Sorry if this is known but I couldn't find anything in the forum.

In my code, I am able to perfectly read and write Lvars from/to the sim (using FSUIPC_WAPI getLvar and setLvar calls) but in release mode only! (using FSUIPC_WAPI.lib)

In debug mode (using FSUIPC_WAPI_debug.lib) is causing a crash when calling the module start() function.

Trying also to build and run WASMClient found on git (https://github.com/jldowson/WASMClient), in release mode it is able to run and connect to simconnect but in debug it also fails saying: "failed opening a simconnect connection." 

So, since the issue is not only in my code and since release mode is functioning perfectly, is there a chance there is something wrong with the debug library or am I doing something wrong/missing a VS setting etc?

I am using latest FSUIPC_WAPI libraries (v0.9.1 - 20Oct2022).

Thanks in advance,



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I have not looked at (or used) the WAPI debug lib for a long time. Not even sure its up-to-date. Maybe try checking out the WAPI from github, and build your own debug library and use that - if you have your own local copy of the source, oy may also help in determining what is causing this issue.

If you want me to look into this further, let me know and I can maybe take a look next week.


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The WAPI debug library is correct and up-to-date.

I have updated the WASMClient to use the WAPI debug library when built in the debug configuration.

There is a problem in the WASMClient in that that an invalid simConnection is used when running in debug mode. I have corrected this now.

If you have a problem connecting in your code, you can try specifically setting this before you start the connection - once you have your WAPI instance, and before calling start(), do this:

But really this shouldn't be necessary, as that should be the default value anyway... I have attached the latest WAPI libs, so maybe try with them.



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