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Inputs not Being Detected


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I seem to be having all sorts of issues with FSUIPC since the last update. All my inputs are intermittent, so they will be detected on the Axes Assignments screen at one point, but then if I return, then they are not being detected. I have set all inputs to Send Direct to FSUIPC calibration but they do not always work in game.

For instance, I set my saitek rudders via FSUIPC and they were working. When I reloaded MSFS, the rudders were not working and not being detected on the Axes Assignment page - but were being detected on the Joystick calibration tab.

If I changed the rudder config in MSFS to non-FSUIPC, then the rudders were working in game with no issues.

The same thing happened with the spoiler, in that I set it in FSUIPC and it was all detected and working. When I went back into FSUIPC to tweak a setting, it was not being detected by FSUIPC at all. 

I am not sure what is happening but I have had to revert to MSFS controls as I cannot get a reliable connection via FSUIPC. I am not having issues when controlling directly via MSFS controls.

FSUIPC7_prev.log FSUIPC7.log FSUIPC7.ini

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29 minutes ago, chickster25 said:

For instance, I set my saitek rudders via FSUIPC and they were working. When I reloaded MSFS, the rudders were not working and not being detected on the Axes Assignment page - but were being detected on the Joystick calibration tab.

Did you see anything registered in the Axis assignment page? Sometimes another axis may be detected first - if this happens, just click the Ignore Axis button and try again. If the rudder movement is detected in the calibration page, then it must be assigned somewhere, and if its not assigned in MSFS then it must be assigned in FSUIPC.

I need to see a log file showing your issue, and with logging for Axes Controls activated. So, can you please start MSFS/FSUIPC7, load an aircraft and then activate logging for Axes Controls, move your rudder axis through its full range, then exit FSUIPC7 before attaching your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files.


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Hi John

Thank you for replying so quickly. I had another go and whilst it was better this time (I did mention it was intermittent) i did notice a few things

1. If FSUIPC detects an Axis and then you hit the clear button to reset for another test, it does not detect anything for the movement in the dropdown section - but does show the numbers  moving in unison with the actual movement. You have to exit the screen and reopen it for it to detect anything.

2. When trying to detect the rudder, FSUIPC found the left brake 3 times in a row, even though I was moving the rudder pedal. On the fourth attempt, it found the rudder. This then worked in MSFS as expected.

3. I could not replicate it not finding the spoiler axis/lever on my Saitek as it did earlier, so will continue trying...



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20 minutes ago, chickster25 said:

1. If FSUIPC detects an Axis and then you hit the clear button to reset for another test,

No! Hitting the clear button will clear the currently displayed assignment, i.e. delete it. You should hit the Ignore Axis button, which will ignore the input from that axis for the remaining time the dialog is open - or until you press the Clr Ignores button. Or you hit the Rescan button, which will again wait for the first axis input to be detected and show that. If you hit the Rescan button and it keeps showing an axis other than you want to assign (or check), then you hit the Ignore Axis button and try again.


20 minutes ago, chickster25 said:

it does not detect anything for the movement in the dropdown section - but does show the numbers  moving in unison with the actual movement. You have to exit the screen and reopen it for it to detect anything.

That is probably because you cleared that assignment. It is the Joy# and Axis# boxes you need to be looking at to determine what axis is detected. 

20 minutes ago, chickster25 said:

2. When trying to detect the rudder, FSUIPC found the left brake 3 times in a row, even though I was moving the rudder pedal.

That is because they are controlled by the same equipment (your foot pedals) and when you activate the rudder you will also be applying pressure to the toe brakes, and FSUIPC/Windows is seeing the toe brake axis change first. This is entirely normal and is exactly the situation in which you should be using the Ignore Axis button.

So, I suggest that you try again, now that you understand whet the Ignore, Clear & Rescan buttons do. Note that this is also described in the User Guide.


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