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Problems with helicopter throttle and turboprop condition lever

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I am trying to assign an axis for throttle in the new default helicopters in MSFS, but I cannot get it to work. I am using the latest version of FSUIPC7, and I use "helicopter throttle axis" in FSUIPC7. The axis of my TQ6+ is found and assigned in FSUIPC7, but it just doesn't do anything in the game.

Almost all other axes assignments with FSUIPC work just fine. Only the condition lever in turboprops doesn't work either (since SU10, I think), but I was OK with setting that in the VC. The throttle is a different matter, though.

Thanks for any help you may offer,



I am not that familiar with helicopter flight controls, but the method to determine which controls to assign to is to activate logging for Axis Controls,  open the logging console (Log -> Open Console) and move the desired axis in the VC and see what control is logged, and then assign to that. For example, in the Guimbal Cabri G2, I see the controls Throttle1_Set and Prop_Pitch1_Set logged for the collective and throttle respectively - i.e. Prop_Pitch1_Set seems to control the throttle and Throttle1_Set the collective.

It is probably different for each helicopter, so use logging to determine which control to use and use profiles for each helicopter or helicopter group (if they use the same controls).



  • 2 weeks later...

Hello John,

thanks a lot, that general advice to use logging did the trick. Helicopter controls seem to be a bit special in the sim, but I got it to work as I wanted 🙂



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
9 minutes ago, Alhard Horstmann said:

are there new informations about the Guimbal Cabri G2 helicopter ?

No idea!

10 minutes ago, Alhard Horstmann said:

need the FSUIPC burtton assignement for rotor governor and Ignition switch. The standards in FSUIPC did not work.

Try the usual things: use logging for Events, open the logging console and see if anything is logged when you activate those in the VC. If anything is logged, try using those events. Otherwise, list the lvars to see if anything looks applicable and try them. Also try listing any Input Events and see if any of those look applicable. Otherwise, as a final resort, use the devmode debugging window to see how these work in the behaviors window, as shown in this post: https://www.badcasserole.com/uncovering-input-events-using-the-msfs2020-model-behavior-dialog/.

I see this is a freeware helicopter. I can install it and take a quick look, although I am not that familiar with helicopter controls. It may take a day or two before I have time to install this and take a look though.


On 1/18/2024 at 12:44 PM, Alhard Horstmann said:

I need the FSUIPC burtton assignement for rotor governor and Ignition switch. The standards in FSUIPC did not work.

Did you get anywhere with this? Logging shows that the governor is using:
and the two ignition switches (magento and plasma) are using:
Did you try those? If not working, there are also these Input Events you can try:

1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

Did you get anywhere with this? Logging shows that the governor is using:

These seem to work..or at least the event is sent and received, although I don't know if they activate/deactivate the governor...

1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

and the two ignition switches (magento and plasma) are using:

The mageneto control works switching on, but not off. The plasma control seems to work.

1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

Did you try those? If not working, there are also these Input Events you can try:

All these look  to be working, with parameters 1/0 for on/off. I would use these.



Hi John, Thanks, this is exactly what I found also with the logging.

13=PA,10,C67497,0 -{ROTOR_GOV_SWITCH_OFF}-

14=PA,11,C67498,0 -{ROTOR_GOV_SWITCH_ON}-

15=PA,9,C66300,1    -{TOGGLE_STARTER1}-

17=PA,8,C66494,1    -{TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1}-

I failed to use

parameters 1/0 for on/off.

btw: have a great healthy 2024  😃 Pete also



2 hours ago, Alhard Horstmann said:

I failed to use

parameters 1/0 for on/off.

You only need to use a parameter if using the Input Events or *_SET controls.

2 hours ago, Alhard Horstmann said:

btw: have a great healthy 2024  😃 Pete also

Thanks - you as well!


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