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fsuipc7 Flaps > 3 position MSFS <> Honeycomb Bravo


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Sorry again. Please help newcomers. How to set up flaps with three positions - moving up to dawn with different angles.  Fsuipc7 recognise flap as buttons in two position (up/down) 

So I would like to set, for example, up from up and stop in the middle and, after that, push down and control on the lower position and vice versa

I didn't find it in the documentation, or maybe it is very technical for me)

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1 hour ago, edsaw34 said:

Fsuipc7 recognise flap as buttons in two position (up/down) 

Yes, of course - that flap lever is an up/down control. You can also use the flap axis on the Bravo - the far right axis.

1 hour ago, edsaw34 said:

So I would like to set, for example, up from up and stop in the middle and, after that, push down and control on the lower position and vice versa

Sorry, but not sure what this means... Up should move the flaps up one position/notch, and down should move the flaps down one position/notch.

You could try searching to see if there is a specific  preset available for the flaps in the aircraft that you are using and use that - see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/.

Otherwise, if you let me know the aircraft you are using, I can take a look here and advise - if its a default aircraft or an add-on that I own.


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The aircraft has three flap positions 1) FULL (fully extended) 3) 10-degree take off range 2) UP (retracted)
Those are necessary when releasing the flaps - when the button is pressed once, the flaps stop at 10 degrees and again at full. And accordingly, when cleaning, it’s the same through an intermediate stop
Now it was possible to configure only two positions up and full
And also, tell me where in the instructions or resources how to use presets how to add to FSUIP or if they already exist
However, there is no way to use the preset in the presentation, or you can assign it to the buttons
Thanks a lot, and sorry for a lot of dummy questions.
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24 minutes ago, edsaw34 said:

Now it was possible to configure only two positions up and full

You can try sending two flaps inc controls on up, and two flaps dec controls on down - this should skip the intermediate position. You can try assigning a flaps up on button press and release, and similarly for down. That may work, although I'm not sure as this depends on how the flaps lever works in the Bravo (my system with the Bravo is not up at the moment so can't check - I can do this later/tomorrow if needed). Otherwise, you can open your FSUIPC7.ini file and duplicate the flap assignment lines (best done with FSUIPC not running, or with the button assignment window open, then click the reload button after making and saving your changes). Just copy and paste the flap assignment lines and change the index number of the assignment (the first number) so that it is unique.

29 minutes ago, edsaw34 said:

And also, tell me where in the instructions or resources how to use presets how to add to FSUIP or if they already exist

Presets are included. You need to check the Select for Preset checkbox in the assignment window. See the Advanced User guide, WASM section, on presets.

31 minutes ago, edsaw34 said:

However, there is no way to use the preset in the presentation, or you can assign it to the buttons

Make sure you are using the latest version of FSUIPC7, currently 7.3.16.


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