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Cannot Get Vision Jet Hvars to load


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Windows 11
MSFS Steam Version
FSUIPC 7.3.16

I'm really hoping I'm just missing something. I created a hvar file named visionjet.hvar I formatted it based off the examples that are already created. I tried testing by placing the hvar file in  WASM persistent storage, and the FSUIPC WASM's modules folder, and then the modules folder in that folder. I've renamed the file a few different ways, and nothing. I created a macro file named visionjet.mcro that has the [Macros] at the top with 1=H:checklist_scroll_up=Set below that and so on. I put the macro file in the main FSUIPC folder. Again, no hvars will load.



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It is most probably due ti the name of the file - it must be a substring match to the name of the aircraft as known by FSUIPC. To see what this name is, open your FSUIPC7.log file and look for the logged name, e.g for the C172 it logs the following:
         52406 Aircraft="Cessna Skyhawk Asobo"
so I would name the hvar file Skyhawk,hvar.

Also be aware that it is far easier to write a preset to use a hvar than messing around with hvar files. For example, to create a preset for the vision  jet for the H:checklist_scroll_up hvar, create a file called myevents.txt and add the following line:
In fact, you don't even  need to do this as a preset already exists for this, called SF50 Checklists Scroll Up. You can assign to this directly by checking the Select for preset checkbox in the assignments dialog.

Please see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/ for a list of available presets fir the Vision Jet - there are currently 103 available.


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11 hours ago, ParksAndTech said:

Custom controls are brand new to me.

They are presets - custom controls are yet another mechanism, and only available if provided by an aircraft (e.g. PMDG). You should get familiar with presets and the MF HubHop site which provides a good search interface, and they are (or should be!) very easy to use in FSUIPC7. 

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