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All PMDG offsets return 0


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 I dont know what I am doing wrong as this should be straight forward.

Open FSUIPC connection, I can read all the traditional offsets without problem but none PMDG

I am using Managed code and latest FSUIPC

Added the 

Private InternalLDGLights As Offset(Of Short) = New Offset(Of Short)(&H6594)
InternalLDGLights.Value (Always comes as 0, no matter the state of the taxi lights switch

When I query the offsets they are all 0, any idea?


Edited by salvapatuel
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Please try logging the offsets using FSUIPC's offset logging facilities (Log -> Offsets) to check what they actually hold. Also check that you have them enabled in your FSUIPC7.ini with the following line under the [General] section:

Also check for the following line in your FSUIPC7.log file:
    65985 PMDG 737 offsets enabled

If that is all correct then it is an issue in your code - please use Paul Henty's sub-forum of using his dll client for .Net:



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