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Strainge behaviour of button clicks with PMDG737NGXu

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Gear: P3Dv4.5 FSUIPC6 (Version 6109) Saitek Yoke, Rudders, TQ and PMDG737-NGXu (just bought)

I always used FSUIPC for many years for all Axis/Calibration and buttons until....
I did the same for the PMDG737-NGXu. Everything goes well except for taxiing. Sometimes the plane goes bananas. 
Not in straight lines, overreacting on the steering tiller. Not always, but many times mainly after landing.
The PMDG manual suggest to use the P3D controllers instead of FSUIPC. That I have done for all axis. But then....

The buttons are in FSUIPC:
[Profile.PMDG B737-900 NGXu WS]
1=PMDG 737-900NGXu BW KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (PH-BXS | 2019 | Buizerd/Buzzard)
[Buttons.PMDG B737-900 NGXu WS]
1=R1,2,C65607,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}-
2=R1,3,C65615,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}-
3=P1,4,C65759,0     -{FLAPS_DECR}-
4=P1,5,C65758,0     -{FLAPS_INCR}-
5=P0,4,C66079,0     -{GEAR_UP}-
6=P0,5,C66080,0     -{GEAR_DOWN}-
7=P0,2,K71,11     -{Key press: ctl+shft+G}-
8=P0,0,K50,9     -{Key press: shft+2}-
10=R0,6,C65602,0     -{THROTTLE_DECR}-
11=U0,6,C65604,0     -{THROTTLE_CUT}-
12=P1,0,C65752,0     -{PARKING_BRAKES}-
13=P1,1,K123,10     -{Key press: ctl+F12}- //For the GSX menu

When I use them on the keyboard they work fine, but when I hit a button it seems that it does it's job double or not at all.

Probably someone had the same issues. Would be nice to know how to solve this.

Thanks in advance,


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  • Captain45 changed the title to Strainge behaviour of button clicks with PMDG737NGXu
30 minutes ago, Captain45 said:

[Profile.PMDG B737-900 NGXu WS]
1=PMDG 737-900NGXu BW KLM Royal Dutch Airlines (PH-BXS | 2019 | Buizerd/Buzzard)

I suggest you change this to:


[Profile.PMDG B737-900 NGXu WS]
1=PMDG 737-900NGXu

to catch more variants/liveries.

33 minutes ago, Captain45 said:

When I use them on the keyboard they work fine, but when I hit a button it seems that it does it's job double or not at all.

Check that the buttons are not also assigned in P3D. For the buttons not working, could that be because the loaded aircraft did not match the profile (i.e. different livery)?
Can you activate logging in FSUIPC's logging tab for Buttons and key operations and Events (non-axis controls) and generate a short log file showing your issue, and then attach your FSUIPC6.log and FSUIPC6.ini files with a description of what you did and what went wrong.

38 minutes ago, Captain45 said:

I did the same for the PMDG737-NGXu. Everything goes well except for taxiing. Sometimes the plane goes bananas. 
Not in straight lines, overreacting on the steering tiller. Not always, but many times mainly after landing.

I will need to see another log file for this issue but this time with Axis controls logging activated.  Once you have experienced the taxiing issue, exit P3D/FSUIPC so that the log file doesn't get too large, although you may still need to compress/zip it.


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20 hours ago, John Dowson said:

I suggest you change this to: to catch more variants/liveries.

Check that the buttons are not also assigned in P3D.

Hi John,

Thanks a lot for the advice. It's been so long that I did not use FSUIPC for the axis, that I simply did not remember to clean up P3D controls settings (also for the buttons). Well... it's done now and the PMDG 737 flies like it should. The taxi thing disappeared and works better than expected.


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