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I used the PFC radio on my old PC that Crashed. It was then used on P3Dv4 and PMDG 737-800.
Then it was ok and was in the Module folder.
Now, after rebuild of new PC I changed to P3Dv5 and PMDG NGXu 737-800.

I placed the FSUIPC 6.1.9 and PFC.DLL and PFCHID in the FSUIPC folder on drive D.
The serial Radio is connected to an own serial board on the PC with USB port 16 and 17 and no flag on event viewer
but when it runs the initiation page I only gor RED cross on radiopanel. the two upper once are green hatch.

Are uoy able to tell me what I am doing wrong.

Best regard



I also noted that in the FSUIPC ini file the numering of Leo divices was altered on the new build PC.
Can I just renumber in the .ini file to use my old setup for the 737 (Copy/paste) or do I have to reprogram all switches

  On 6/11/2023 at 9:31 AM, hrings said:

I placed the FSUIPC 6.1.9 and PFC.DLL and PFCHID in the FSUIPC folder on drive D.


Is your device a serial/com or hid/usb device? You will only need one driver, not both. And you need the 64-bit drivers, not the 32-bit ones.
And you should not place the FSUIPC 6.1.9 sll anywhere - you should run the installer to install FSUIPC6, and then install the 64-bit com OR hid PFC driver,

  On 6/11/2023 at 9:31 AM, hrings said:

I used the PFC radio on my old PC that Crashed. It was then used on P3Dv4 and PMDG 737-800.


The set-up will be exactly the same with P3Dv5 as it was with P3Dv4.


  On 6/11/2023 at 9:37 AM, hrings said:

also noted that in the FSUIPC ini file the numering of Leo divices was altered on the new build PC.
Can I just renumber in the .ini file to use my old setup for the 737 (Copy/paste) or do I have to reprogram all switches


You should be able to use the old ini file, although it may need some manual changes. This is straightforward if using the JoyLetters facility, but can be more complicated if not. Please attach your FSUIPC6.ini and FSUIPC6.log files and I will take a look.

  On 6/11/2023 at 9:31 AM, hrings said:

The serial Radio is connected to an own serial board on the PC with USB port 16 and 17 and no flag on event viewer
but when it runs the initiation page I only gor RED cross on radiopanel. the two upper once are green hatch.


Sorry - its a serial device, so you don't need the hid driver. Are you using the 64-bit drivers?
Check that you are using the latest driver - download and re-install from fsuipc.com.


  • John Dowson changed the title to PFC Radio Panel not recognised after a PC Crash

Here is what I got. If you need more please ask.
On COM 16 and 17 the com is red, it was green on 3 as I used before but no connection to radio panel.
I cleaned the register an installed fresh as instructed by installer.
I have sut it down again but as far as I remember it's located

C:/User/Henni(My pc)/documents/p3dv5Addons/FSUIPC6
All should be included

new reg for fsuipc p3dv5.PNG

Devcise Manager.PNG


pfc control.PNG

Kopi av FSUIPC6.iniFetching info... ny FSUIPC6.ini p3dv5.txtFetching info... ny FSUIPC6.log p4dv5.txtFetching info... OLD FSUIPC6 LOG p3dv4.txtFetching info... OLD FSUIPC6 p3dv4.txtFetching info...


You have installed FSUIPC under your Windows Documents folder - this can cause issues to windows restrictions on this folder. Please uninstall FSUIPC6 and re-install in a non-windows protected folder (e.g. C:\FSUIPC6 or C:\P3D Add-ons\FSUIPC6.

When you install the PFC driver, only install the one you need, i.e. the PFCcom64.dll. You do not need the other dlls.

Also, please change your Windows Explorer settings and uncheck the option to hide file extensions of known file types.

After you have done this, if you still get issues please attach your FSUIPC6.log and PFCcom64.log files.

Please first also see the provided PFC DLL user guide in how to set up the connection correctly.

  On 6/11/2023 at 3:54 PM, hrings said:

When set in addons (FS) PFC port to 16


What do you mean by 'set in addons'?

I don't have any PFC devices so I cannot really advise much more than what is said in the PFC user guide, Please read that carefully and follow the instructions there. Also check the PFC log file (which i asked you to post if you had any further issues....).

Did you re-install FSUIPC6 into a non-windows protected folder, as advised? You do not seem to be responding to my posts...

Posted (edited)

The log you attached ends after 20 seconds and was attached when FSUIPC6 was either still running or had crashed. Please attach a full log file (i.e. only attached once P3D / FSUIPC has exuted), and also your PFCcom64.log file.

  On 6/12/2023 at 1:27 PM, hrings said:

Yes placed as C:\FSUIPC6


Yes, I can see that from the log file.

Later: ...and I still advise you to update your Explorer view settings so you can see the extensions of the files, as previously advised...in the screenshot above, you have two files shown as 'PFCcom64' - one will be the .ini, the other the .log, but you cannot tell which is which with your current settings.


Edited by John Dowson
Later added

Cam you please always exit P3d / FSUIPC before attaching logs. And you attached your FSUIPC6.log twice, and still no PFCcom64.log file - please show me /attach that.

The PFC driver is trying to use com port 16 - are you sure that is the one that the radio stack is connected to? Did you try with port 17?

The log you attached also shows nothing happening for 6 hours, and then a device reconnection:


     131078 PFC Menu entry added
 22127547 --------------------------------------------------------------------
 22127547 ***** HID USB device reconnected: re-initialising FSUIPC connections
 22127547 HID: Vendor=1462, Product=7C73 (Version 0.1)
 22127593 Manufacturer= MSI
 22127640 Product= MYSTIC LIGHT 
 22127672 Serial Number= A02018011117


and then another 2 hours later....why are you leaving P3D/FSUIPC running so long just to test the connection?

  On 6/13/2023 at 3:10 PM, hrings said:

This file was to big to be included so I shortened it, and it seems like it is continuing this way


What log options do you have set? Can you please clear them all, and show me the log file generated with no logging options. Then set logging for COM port operations only, and generate a second file and show me that. You can zip/compress it if its too large.

But I don't think the logs will reveal much if the device isn't being seen, and I am not sure what else to advise,,,



Sorry for messing up, I am not that good in the data World, I am only and very old airlineJockey that likes still to fly

I now deleted the PFCcom64 both log and ini.
Started P3D and shut it down and the enclosed files are what I got.
Obviously by the Devise Manager it should be connected to com 16 but when tried that on the connection picture got just a Red notch.
Switching to com 3 it was green. I have a lot of screens connected via USB.

Have ordered an usb to serial converter to see if there i a fault on my St Lab PCIe card

PFCcom64.logFetching info... PFCcom64.iniFetching info...


Why do you have so many come ports (com1 - com17, minus com2, which is very strange)?

You need to determine which com port the device is on - maybe just try changing the COM port in the PFC connection check panel until the radio stack is recognised. And if you disconnect the PFC radio panel, do any of those com ports disappear from the windows device manager?

And what makes you think that the device is on com16 or com17, and have you tried both of these? Have you also tried connecting your radio panel to com1?

If the device fails to be recognised then I suspect that it is a problem with either your serial PCIe card, the cable or the device itself - or possibly your windows configuration. I cannot reallu help you with any of these issues.



All that com ports are used for additional screens like FPanel, ND, upper and lower Eicas and a lot of Arduino cards.

The Avionic panel is connected to Port 16 wich is the first port on the ST Lab PCIe serial card.
It was functioning like this on the old PC but as I did not have a regular PCI slot in the new one, only a PCIe I had to buy a new card.
I will test when I receive a new USB to serial converter.

Thanks for strugling with me


  On 6/14/2023 at 8:41 PM, hrings said:

All that com ports are used for additional screens like FPanel, ND, upper and lower Eicas and a lot of Arduino cards.

The Avionic panel is connected to Port 16 wich is the first port on the ST Lab PCIe serial card.
It was functioning like this on the old PC but as I did not have a regular PCI slot in the new one, only a PCIe I had to buy a new card.
I will test when I receive a new USB to serial converter.


Would it be worth testing with one of those other com ports that you know are working? And switch the working com device on that port to com16 and see if that continues to work there...I think that would be a useful test to try...



Thanks John.
it shows clesrly that it was somethimg wrong with the StLab PCIe card.
As soon as I put in the USB/Serial converter it went straight in and worked.
But,due do you know how to reset port numbers in Devise Manager. Because I had tried so many times (I guess) the converter started as Port 31 even if there was no other once connected.


I can see that the JOY No for the Leoboards are changed from the P3Dv4 to P3dv5. Is it ok to rename theese JOYs to set tham as they where in 4.3 setup so I can use that . ini file and not reprogramming all Switches via FSUIPC?


  On 6/15/2023 at 10:08 PM, hrings said:

I can see that the JOY No for the Leoboards are changed from the P3Dv4 to P3dv5. Is it ok to rename theese JOYs to set tham as they where in 4.3 setup so I can use that . ini file and not reprogramming all Switches via FSUIPC?


Are you using the JoyLetters facility? If not, you should activate that - this prevents issues when joyids change - see the documentation for details.
If you are not using this facility, which i guess is the case if you are having this issue, then please attach your FSUIPC ini and log files and I will take a look.
You can try changing them in the ini and FSUIPC will attempt to change them in the registry, but this doesn't always work. If you try this, please take a backup of your ini first.
Any issues, please show me/attach your .log and .ini files.


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