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PMDG parking brake and reversers


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can someone please help me understand how tp program the reversers and parking brake on my jetmax tq used with the pmdg in msfs

i understand there is a lua script for the brake - i have tried to search but cannot find it. would appreciate if i could also get some guidance on how to run it as im not too familiar with FSUIPC. 

same for the reversers. default MSFS has them working somewhat but they dont reverse at full power and dont come off properly when the button is released either so using through FSUIPC would probably be better - appreciate the support

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Why did you post this question in a completely unrelated topic, and also in the wrong forum?
You have already requested an FSUIPC7 trial license, so you must know there is a specific forum for FSUIPC7.

9 minutes ago, Shameelx said:

i understand there is a lua script for the brake - i have tried to search but cannot find it. would appreciate if i could also get some guidance on how to run it as im not too familiar with FSUIPC. 

Sorry, the lua is for the FBWA320, not the PMDG 737. My mistake. For the PMDG 737 parking brake, you need to use the PMDG custom controls - please see this FAQ entry:

However, it may be easier to use the available presets. To use these, check the Select for Preset checkbox (in the assignment panels) and you can assign your buttons/switch/keys to the following presets:

See the MF HubHop site for a complete (and searchable) list of available presets: https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/

You generally activate reversers by sending a Throttle Decr control (on repeat) on a button press (once throttle is in idle position) and also send a Throttle Cut (or Throttle Set with parameter -1) on release. See this thread for further info:




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