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I'd like to ask how can i connect FSUIPC with MSFS when i have it downloaded via microsoft store/xbox pass, i have also pegasus app which would allow me to fly for virtual airlines but i can't make it work. When i try to run FSUIPC it opens steam window and shows 'No license' and i don't know how to connect it to my MSFS app via another app then steam.

Thanks for any advice

2 minutes ago, Markli016 said:

When i try to run FSUIPC it opens steam window and shows 'No license'

You are not running FSUIPC... The MSFS desktop icon is used to start MSFS, not FSUIPC. It looks like that when you installed FSUIPC7 the installer didn't detect your MS store version and so defaulted to a steam install. Could you please show me/attach your InstallFSUIPC7.log file (located in your FSUIPC7 installation folder), and let me know where your MSFS UserCfg.opt file is located. If one exists under
   <your user account>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
then the installer will think you have an MSFS steam installation. If this is the case, remove or rename that file, manually run the FSUIPC7 uninstaller uninstallFSUIPC7.exe (in your FSUIPC7 installation folder) to remove FSUIPC7 from your system and then try to install again. After installation, check your installation log file to check that the MS store version of MSFS was detected.

You can also try manually starting FSUIPC7, either before or after starting MSFS, by double-clicking the FSUIPC7.exe in windows explorer.


First, you are trying to install version 7.2.16 which is quite old now. The latest (and only supported) version is 7.3.21. Please download the latest version and install that.
Please uninstall your current version first by running this file: C:\FSUIPC7\uninstallFSUIPC7.exe

15 hours ago, Markli016 said:

regarding to the UserCfg.opt i have 3 of them so I'm not sure which one do I need to remove/rename

This one:
    C:\Users\maros\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
That is the UserCfg.opt file for a steam install. Not sure why you have that in this location if you have not installed MSFS via steam...
If you remove/rename that, the installer should detect your MS store version and install for that.

  • 8 months later...
7 hours ago, JakedarlingYT said:

i am having the same issue

What issue is that? If it is the same as reported. follow the advise I have already posted.

Otherwise please explain your issue and attach the relevant files - the InstallFSUIPC7.log file if having issues with installation, otherwise your FSUIPC7.log file. If unsure, attach both.

As a new user to these forums you will have a restricted upload limit - zip/compress the files if too large.


14 minutes ago, JakedarlingYT said:

but the App aint running when i lauch the game

Do you mean that FSUIPC7 is not running? Do you not see the FSUIPC7 splash-screen when MSFS is started and loading?

Did you install FSUIPC7 firectly from within the zip file rather than extracting the installer from the zip file first? It looks like it:


Running in folder 'C:\Users\jaked\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa25064.24679.rartemp\Install_FSUIPC7'

Please try extracting the installer before running it.

The Community folder for your Steam installation also looks rather strange:


Community folder is: C:\Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator\HLM_Packages\Community\

Is this correct?

Anyway, please try installing again and extract the installer before running it. Then run MSFS. Do you see the FSUIPC7 splash screen? If so, FSUIPC7 is running.
If not, there may be an issue with your EXE.xml file. Please show me/attach this file, as well as your new InstallFSUIPC7.log file:
    C:\Users\jaked\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\EXE.xml

Are you running MSFS as admin or as a standard user? If running as admin, you may need to set the FSUIPC7.exe to also be ran as admin (and also all FSUIPC7 clients).



right now when i lauch micersoft flight sim the  FSUIPC7 splash-screen  is not popping up but i reinstall it after i done this flight i dont want to re do all my things to set my plane up for the flight again!


24 minutes ago, JakedarlingYT said:

i not tried lauching game just yet as i am in midflight of doing a flight

But you shouldn't install FSUIPC7 when running MSFS. But try re-launching MSFS after you have finished your flight and see if FSUIPC7 starts. If not, can you at least try starting it manually, by double-clicking the FSUIPC7.exe in windows Explorer - does it then work?

35 minutes ago, JakedarlingYT said:

i have downloaded the game off xbox app on pc bec i have a subscription

Then I would expect that you are using an MS Store installation, but your log file indicates that FSUIPC7 is installing for Steam.
Did you previously have a steam version installed but are now using the xbox version? If so, please remove or rename this file:
    C:\Users\jaked\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\UserCfg.opt
and re-install.

Do you know where your Community folder is - is it at that location I mentioned?


Just now, JakedarlingYT said:

i bit confused on the last part where you say remove or reanme this file!

What is confusing about this? If that file is present, the installer will assume you are using a Steam installation. If that file is not found, then an MS Store installation is assumed. Renaming that file will therefore tell the installer to install for MS Store, not Steam.


34 minutes ago, JakedarlingYT said:

what should i reanme the file to?

Whatever you want - User.cfg.opt.notUsed for example. Just give it a different name so it is not detected.



12 hours ago, JakedarlingYT said:

FSUIPC7 splash-screen never popped up

Can you show me the InstallFSUIPC7.log please, from when you re-installed after renaming the UserCfg.opt file. Also please attach your FSUIPC7.log file, which will be in your FSUIPC7 installation folder.

12 hours ago, JakedarlingYT said:

i belived to have fixed it because it poped up when i opened it

The auto-start issue is not fixed - you started FSUIPC7 manually. You can continue to do this to use FSUIPC7, but if you want this to be automatically started then this issue will need to be fixed. There is a FAQ entry on auto-start issues - see 



  • 9 months later...

Hello i recently downloaded FSUIPC7 but i had the same problem as the first person.

I followed the instructions by deleting the UserCfg.opt and i reinstalled the FSUIPC7 but again it says that i have a steam version even though i have downloaded the msfs on the xbox app only.

Please help as soon as possible

Thank you,



Can you please show me / attach your InstallFSUIPC7.log file.

2 minutes ago, Bill123 said:

I followed the instructions by deleting the UserCfg.opt

Where did you delete this from, i.e. which folder?
Did you ever have a steam install of MSFS2020 or MSFS2024?

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