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flyby wire A320 pull out and push in


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I bought FSUIPC7 last month
It's great when I found some features to work .
But, the altitude of the flybywire A320 cannot be set or insert, pull out and push in. So I went back to mouse control.
How so complicated, the Same instruction repeated several times, we really can not find the corresponding instructions. I tried them all and found that none of them worked.

PMDG also does not know what the height insertion instruction is.

Why can't it be simple to understand.
Somebody tell me these instructions, guys!

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6 hours ago, zhuzoren said:

But, the altitude of the flybywire A320 cannot be set or insert, pull out and push in.

What version of the FBW A320 are you using - stable or dev? According to the MF preset list, the following presets should be available:
    stable:  A320_Neo_FCU_ALT_PULL, A320_Neo_FCU_ALT_PUSH
Alternatively, you can use hvars in the stable version and the FBW custom events in the dev version.

6 hours ago, zhuzoren said:

How so complicated, the Same instruction repeated several times, we really can not find the corresponding instructions. I tried them all and found that none of them worked.

What does this mean? What instruction? What have you tried?

6 hours ago, zhuzoren said:

PMDG also does not know what the height insertion instruction is.

Neither do I! What is it?

Please see the MF HubHop site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) for a list of available presets for the FBW A320.

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Thank you very much for your answer!

I am using the latest version of 10.1 downloaded from FBW Stable.

I also want to ask you

A320_ Neo_ FCU_ ALT_ PULL, A320_ Neo_ FCU_ ALT_ PUSH (Where is this?)

I couldn't find such a long instruction in FSUIPC7


Also, what is hvar? Where is it?


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1 hour ago, zhuzoren said:

I also want to ask you

A320_ Neo_ FCU_ ALT_ PULL, A320_ Neo_ FCU_ ALT_ PUSH (Where is this?)

I couldn't find such a long instruction in FSUIPC7

They are preset names, available in the assignmert drop-downs once you have checked the Select for Preset checkbox. Please see the WASM section in the Advanced User guide on how to use presets, as well as lvars and hvars.

1 hour ago, zhuzoren said:

Also, what is hvar? Where is it?

Again, please see the provided documentation. However, if you are unfamiliar with hvars (and lvars), it is easier to stick to using presets (as these can use both lvars and hvars, as well as other variable types).

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dear John

It was fun. I found a bunch of plane presets.
But when I tied the altitude push and pull of the A320NEO, the plane didn't respond at all. I tried the A320 neo and also tried the FBW 320 with both preset buttons. Nothing. I tried other buttons, like speed, heading, the plane didn't respond.
Now I would like to try the second method you mentioned,  "Lvar". I have downloaded WASM from your website: http://www.fsuipc.com/ and added it to my community. 
In the FSUIPC7 panel am I opening WASM-List lvars?  Reload&list lvars, Set Lvars, Activae hvar. and so on. Which should I choose?

Because I didn't find the tutorial, so I might bother you


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1 minute ago, zhuzoren said:

But when I tied the altitude push and pull of the A320NEO, the plane didn't respond at all. I tried the A320 neo and also tried the FBW 320 with both preset buttons. Nothing. I tried other buttons, like speed, heading, the plane didn't respond.
Now I would like to try the second method you mentioned,  "Lvar". I have downloaded WASM from your website: http://www.fsuipc.com/ and added it to my community. 
In the FSUIPC7 panel 

So you didn't have the WASM installed when you tried the presets? If not, this is why the presets didn't work. It is the WASM module that applies the preset calculator code to the aircraft. And presets will also not be loaded if the FSUIPC7 WASM module is not installed. So I am getting more confused....

And why are you installing the WASM manually? The WASM module is installed (by default) by the FSUIPC7 installer.

3 minutes ago, zhuzoren said:

I opening WASM-List lvars?  Reload&list lvars, Set Lvars, Activae hvar. and so on. Which should I choose?

That depends on what you want to do. The WASM menu entries are used for testing lvar/hvar/caculator code.

Presets are far easier to use than lvars/hvars on there own,

And (almost all) presets are aircraft specific - you need to use the presets defined for the aircraft that you are using.

I suggest you try using presets again. And please familiarise yourself with the WASM section in the Advanced User guide, which will tell you how to use presets as well as lvars and hvars.

If they are not working, then you are either using the wrong preset or have an issue with your assignments. I suggest that you double-check everything and try again. If it still doesn't work, activate logging for Events and WAPI->Debug and generate a short FSUIPC7.log file where you just load an aircraft and then press a button or key assigned to a preset (that isn't working) and then show me that file together with your FSUIPC7.ini  file.

Note also that I only supply the mechanism to implement presets, and do not control what the preset actually does. This is a community effort led by MobiFlight, and questions on specific presets should be directed to the MobiFlight discord channel. But you need to make sure that the preset mechanism is working for you first.


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It's a sad story.
I guess it's just a problem with me downloading to replace the community's WASM?
Do I need to reinstall FSUIPC now

10 hours ago, John Dowson said:


That depends on what you want to do.

I only want the height pull out function of the FBW320

Thank you John

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5 hours ago, zhuzoren said:

I guess it's just a problem with me downloading to replace the community's WASM?

So you replaced the FSUIPC WASM?  If so, you probably just re-installed it then.

5 hours ago, zhuzoren said:

Do I need to reinstall FSUIPC now

Shouldn't be necessary but foes no harm.

5 hours ago, zhuzoren said:

I only want the height pull out function of the FBW320

I will check to see if the presets for the stable version of the FBWA320 are working later today and let you know.


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I have tried both the presets A320 Neo FCU ALT PULL, & A320 Neo FCU ALT PUSH in the FBW A320 stable and they seem to do the same as pulling/pushing the knob in the VC, although I cannot confirm this 100% as I do not fly the A320.

Can you try assigning to another preset to see if any presets are working for you in the FBW A320 stable. I suggest you try assigning a button or key to the following presets as it is easy to see the result: A32NX_FCU_ALT_INCA32NX_FCU_ALT_DEC. However, note that there are two presets each of these, with the same name. Make sure you assign to the second one in the list as the first one is for the dev version, not the stable.



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