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Button assignment for trlm


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Hi Pete, I hope you are well.

Just a quick one.

1=RB,7,C65607,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}-
2=RB,6,C65615,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}-

This you find in the FSUIPC ui, as I'm you're well aware.  I've started to use individual profiles for various aircraft, and was wondering if I use the button section in a different profile, like say Bulldog profile, would PollInterval=25 ButtonRepeat=8,0 work. At the moment the bulldog fsuipc ui reads

0=RB,6,CPElevator_Trim_Slow_UP,0     -{Preset Control}-
1=RB,7,CPElevator_Trim_Slow_DOWN,0     -{Preset Control}-

If I changed the bulldog profile

1=RB,7,C65607,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_DN}-
2=RB,6,C65615,0     -{ELEV_TRIM_UP}-

would or should it run trim travel slower or faster than in the normal ui.

I'm not brightest on the planet, so please be gentle

Best regards








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19 hours ago, Richdutt said:

would or should it run trim travel slower or faster than in the normal ui.

Slower, as that is 5 repeats per second as opposed to 8....the default is 20...
From the Advanced User guide:


ButtonRepeat=20,10: The first number here controls the button repeat rate, when repeating is enabled for a specific button. The range is 1 to 100 and is the number of repeats per second. Note that the higher rates may not actually be achievable. If you want no limit placed, allowing the repeats to go as fast as they can under each circumstance, set this parameter to 0. This can be very fast, so beware!

Note that it is unlikely that this rate will be exactly maintained as it is subject to FS performance variations, depending on the action being repeated, but it acts as a good target control value.

The second number gives an initial delay, before repetitions begin. This is in terms of how many potential repetitions to miss, so with 20 repeats per second, 10 would give a delay of half a second. This allows the same button to operate to increment/decrement a value just once, or, by holding the button down, repeat until released.

A value of 0 for the initial delay value means there will be no delay before the repeats start -- this is how FSUIPC has been until the delay facility was added.

If you want more control over the trim speed, you should use the trim offset, not change the repeat rate. See (for example): 



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Thank you John, nice to speak to you but I think I got my wires crossed. I know about ButtonRepeat=20.10, I read that in the Advanced User guide 😁.  However, I'm not sure it works as I understand it.

If I change 20 to 5 in the ui thats in the main fsuipc folder then I notice the difference, but if I change it in the ui that's in the main fsuipc/profile folder, it doesn't seem to make any difference. To be fair, I can't get my head around the other options, so I'm not going to waste your time.

I have a play around, see what happens.

Cheers John and regards to Pete.

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14 hours ago, Richdutt said:

If I change 20 to 5 in the ui thats in the main fsuipc folder then I notice the difference, but if I change it in the ui that's in the main fsuipc/profile folder, it doesn't seem to make any difference.

I think the ButtonRepeat (and PollInterval)  parameters are only read from the general (none-profile) section, as general button assignments are inherited (unless overwritten) in a profile. There can only be one repeat rate set for all button assignments.


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9 hours ago, John Dowson said:

I think the ButtonRepeat (and PollInterval)  parameters are only read from the general (none-profile) section

Hi John.

You got my thinking, when you said about none-profile section and I thought about it and it dawned on me to remove the button section from the general profile but to try it only in the specified profile and it seems to work, two different aircraft with different trim speeds.

I'll try others and let you know, if you'd be interested, or tell me to go away 👍


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Hi John,

Just to let you know how I got it to work, setup a general profile, making sure you setup the trim buttons. Then load an aircraft of your choosing, in my case it was the Just Flight Pa28 Warrior II, set it up as a new profile, based on the general profile. Close fsuipc, remove the general button section and restart fsuipc and it's good to go.


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