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Fsuipc et 737pmdg attribution impossible


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depuis une réinstallation je ne parviens plus à attribuer des boutons à mon 737pmdg via fsuipc. 
J'ai bien la liste des affectations pour les boutons, je sélectionne, je valide et une fois en vol le bouton ne fonctionne pas. 
pourtant mon mcp de cpflight fonctionne bien, l'affection des boutons sur d'autre avion aussi. 
il semble que la liaison avec l'avion pmdg ne se fasse pas face.

pourtant avant cela fonctionnait bien. 
'j'ai réinstallé fsuipc mais rien n'y fait. 
merci si vous avez une idée 

Good morning, since a reinstallation I am no longer able to assign buttons to my 737pmdg via fsuipc. I have the list of assignments for the buttons, I select, I validate and once in flight the button does not work. However my cpflight mcp works well, the button affection on other planes too. it seems that the connection with the pmdg plane is not working. However, it worked well before. 'I reinstalled fsuipc but nothing worked. thanks if you have an idea

Edited by Simulair06
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Can you please attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files, the latter generated with logging for Buttons & keys and Events  activated - activate the logging, load your aircraft in MSFS, then press a button or two that is assigned but not working, then exit FSUIPC7 before attaching your files.

And if your assignments are using the specific PMDG offsets (e.g. for offset conditions), then make sure you have activated the PMDG data broadcasts in the PMDG config file (details in the PMDG offsets guide).


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I also need to see your FSUIPC7.log file with relevant logging - see my previous comment.
You are als0 using a very old version of FSUIPC7 (7.3.10) - please update to the latest version, 7.3.24, before anything else.

Your 737_Oprions.ini file is also strangely empty. You should re-install the PMDG just in case, and also check you are using the latest version, 3.0.72

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