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Configurations for multiple aircrafts


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Hello everybody. I have a question:

Is it possible to have 2 or 3 different FSUIPC7 configurations. For example I use mostly the FBW A32NX which I have nicely configured. I would like to use the TBM930 as well. Can I configure it without damaging the FBW aircraft. So in other words can I switch between the two configs? Thankyou for an answer and best regards. Jörg Trefzer, Basel, Switzerland

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Yes, of course - that is the whole point of profiles. You just set-up a different profile for each aircraft. See the provided documentation on using profiles.
A profile is loaded automatically, based upon the aircraft name.

Basically you just need to check the 'profile-specific' checkbox in the assignments panels.

Note that general button & key assignments are inherited, if not overwritten, by profiles, but axis assignments are not.

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