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FSUIPC7 Installs documentation under different user

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I have just updated to FSUIPC 7.3.24 and noticed in the install log that it placed the documentation in a documents folder for another user.
Somehow on my PC I have ended up with 2 user accounts 'Martin' and 'marti' - I can't remember how this happened, but I only log-in and use 'Martin'.

From the install log:
Updating EXE.XML for Steam install
C:\Users\Martin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\EXE.xml has been updated.
Create folder: C:\Users\marti\Documents\FSUIPC7
Documents directory created: C:\Users\marti\Documents\FSUIPC7
Output folder: C:\Users\marti\Documents\FSUIPC7

I have manually copied the FSUIPC7 folder into my Documents so that I can find the user manuals - interestingly there was an existing FSUIPC7 folder there which contained older versions.

I've attached the full install log - I assume this isn't the expected behaviour.


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Your installation log shows that this location was taken from the registry and was used as this was where it was previously installed. You could try uninstalling first before running the installer - you can do this from the windows app management panel, or running the uninstaller manually. This will clear the registry first and you can then do a fresh install.

If that doesn't fix it, it means that this registry string is wrong: [HKCU] SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders Personal
That is where the documents location is taken from. You will need to correct that, or just manually move the Documents folder to the correct location.


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Ok, thanks John.  Yes, that registry entry was incorrect, although everything else seems to be working as expected!
(Most of the 'similar' values in the registry are associated with One Drive, which I don't even use, so seems like another Microsoft special!)

Edited by pointy56
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