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FSUIPC 6.2 and P3Dv5

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Hi Pete, 

Your app has been so helpful ever since I started simming fifteen years ago. However today, when I tried to downgrade from P3Dv6 to v5 due to support issues with airplanes in v6 (saw that coming lol), I of course needed to add FSUIPC into the sim as well. No problem, done it lots of times before. However, to my surprise, upon starting a flight, I get a blank screen. The sim is still responsive, e.g., I get the dialogue to restart/quit/return to homescreen etc when I hit "Esc", but there are no visuals. I uninstalled FSUIPC 6.2, and then everything worked fine. Reinstalled it - same problem as before. 

I need this app to do pretty much anything within the sim, so this is pretty frustrating. Doesn't look like a common issue either. Any tips you might be able to disseminate? Thanks!




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This is very strange, especially as FSUIPC has nothing to do whatsoever with the visuals. Have you tried with various aircraft?
Did you get the dialog to activate FSUIPC for P3D after it was installed?

What happens if you disable FSUIPC? i.e. when you start P3D, click the Options button, and then disable in the Add-ons section before you continue. Do you get the same issue? I suspect so, as FSUIPC will already have been loaded. So now exit P3D and restart it, and FSUIPC will be disabled. Do you then get the same issue?

What ither add-ons do you have installed? Can you show me/attach your add-ons.cfg file, which will be under [USER]: AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\


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