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No drop down menu for setting axes or buttons.


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This is because you are using an unregistered/unlicensed version. If you have a license, you need to enter the details and validate them at the end of the installation process. If you do not have a license but would like to try the registered facilities, post in the trial license topic (at the top of this forum) and I will PM you a trial license (time-limited).


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2 hours ago, Animator_PA said:

My mistake was trying to uninstall with windows as opposed to the .exe that was intended.

This doesn't make any sense - uninstalling from windows app management will call the same uninstaller anyway, so it is exactly the same as running the uninstaller manually. And you should not uninstall if/when re-installing anyway - the installer will detect if currently installed and run the uninstaller anyway,

And all of this has nothing to do with your original problem, which I guess was because you didn't register your license, hence the need to re-run the installer.


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