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I have a small home-made Airbus FCU that I am using on the FSLabs A320 in FSX. If you want to start this plane from cold and dark, you have to first load the trike, cut the motor and then load the FS Bus. This leads to some offsets behaving erratically (not sending data or sending wrong data). This is not a case when I save a cold and dark flight, exit FSX, restart and then directly load the cold and dark flight. Is there any explanation? It seems to me that by starting the trike, some offset processes might be started and they might still be running, even though a new plane has been loaded. I wonder whether it mey help to clear all offsets and how this could be done.

Best regards

- shorthauler

20 minutes ago, shorthauler said:

This leads to some offsets behaving erratically (not sending data or sending wrong data).

Which offsets? Offsets only hold data, they do not send anything. 

20 minutes ago, shorthauler said:

This is not a case when I save a cold and dark flight, exit FSX, restart and then directly load the cold and dark flight. Is there any explanation?

I have no idea as I do not fully understand your issue. Can you try logging some offsets (up to 4) using FSUIPC's offset logging facilities. ones which you think are holding invalid data.
Try in both situations to see what the difference is.

20 minutes ago, shorthauler said:

It seems to me that by starting the trike, some offset processes might be started and they might still be running, even though a new plane has been loaded. I wonder whether it mey help to clear all offsets and how this could be done.

There are no 'offset processes', except the main simconnect thread that requests the data from  the FS and then receives this and uses it to populate the offsets. Offsets that hold simvars are only updated from values received from the FS - they will be cleared/updated when any new value is received.


20 minutes ago, shorthauler said:

If you want to start this plane from cold and dark, you have to first load the trike, cut the motor and then load the FS Bus.

I don't understand this and don't have the FSLabs A320 so I am not sure I can help that much, but if you can identify what offsets are holding incorrect data, we can go from there...

Also, can you attach your FSUIPC4,ini file.



Dear John,

Thank you very much for looking into this. I am attaching two log files: FSUIPC4_1.txt (starting with trike, cutting motor and then changing to FSL A320) and FSUIPC4_2.txt (starting right away from c&d). The offsets monitored are

54B6 (EFIS value)
66D2 (EFIS state)

The files are too large, so I have uploaded them to Wetransfer: https://we.tl/t-Iaf3id4Lmh

Best regards,



20 hours ago, shorthauler said:

54B6 (EFIS value)

Are you using Project Magenta? These offsets are in the reserved area for PM. A cannot help with this, sorry.

20 hours ago, shorthauler said:

66D2 (EFIS state)

This offset is in an area free for general use. It is therefore not controlled directly by FSUIPC, and myst be written/read by some other tools you are using.

As these offsets are controlled by other software, I cannot really help you any further with this. Try PM support. You should also mention that you are using PM in your description and in the title, as that may then attract other PM users whi may be able to help. I have no knowledge or experience with PM (and very little with FSX!), so am unable to help any further with this, sorry.


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