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Mouse macros


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Hi John

Mouse macros were a very nice FSUIPC feature for otherwise unreachable functions in the past, but not available any more for MSFS. However, with the new interface capabilities of MSFS, is there a chance to get this functionality back in a near future? This would be really a highlight in the desert of missing MSFS functions ... Thanks for any infos.

BR Urs

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2 hours ago, Alpin-Flier said:

Mouse macros were a very nice FSUIPC feature for otherwise unreachable functions in the past, but not available any more for MSFS. However, with the new interface capabilities of MSFS, is there a chance to get this functionality back in a near future?

No, no chance. There are no facilities provided by Asobo/MSFS to implement this feature, and theere is no planto do so. Things have moved on..... There are several other options available that replace the need for these: hvars, input events, and presets/calculator code.

2 hours ago, Alpin-Flier said:

his would be really a highlight in the desert of missing MSFS functions ...

But there are also so many new ways to control/assign. Have you looked at the presets available? See https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/ - these are all available from FSUIPC by selecting assignment to presets. Hvars (html variables0 are also available, but these are difficult to discover and best best used via presets. Input Events are the latest innovation. Currently these are only available in the latest beta release of FSUIPC7, which I will release before the end of the year. You can try these in the latest beta, available from 


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Hi John

Ok, no chance therefore. I agree, that there are several options to access events. I am using some (also presets) successfully. The problem arises, when there is a missing link to an event due to a bug in the airplane code. In such cases mouse macros where the only way to get around, because mouse operations worked always.

Just to explain my request: My actual (of course small) problem is the TimeCompression control in the PMDG B737. The offset is there, but no way to influence it. Only the mouse is able to activate it, the rest not. I made a ticket to PMDG and was told to wait for a new update. All clear for now, thank you very much.   

BR Urs

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