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Trim with offsets, 0BC0 vs 2EA0. Any difference?

Luis Hernández

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After seeing some suggestions with Spad.next (setting trim rate in radians per click), I found FSUIPC7 (and previous versions too) has the same capability. After reading a bit about this, I find it's easier for me setting up the trim buttons using offset 0x2EA0, and setting the rate in miliradians, than using 0x0BC0 with their corresponding units (as suggested since FS9 times, at least), since I always want to use the full trim range.

Is it there any difference by using 0x2EA0 instead of 0x0BC0? Or is just another way to skin a cat?

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1 hour ago, Luis Hernández said:

Is it there any difference by using 0x2EA0 instead of 0x0BC0? Or is just another way to skin a cat?

Offset 0x2EA0 uses ELEVATOR TRIM POSITION, and is an 8-byte floating point number (FLT64), and is the deflection in radians. Offset 0x0BC0 uses ELEVATOR TRIM PCT, and is a 2-byte integer (S16). You can use either, depending on the units you want to use, Usually you would use 0x0BC0, as this uses a standard axis range (-16383 to + 16383), but you can also use 0x2EA0 if you want to use radians.

Just different ways to skin a cat, as you say... although my wife would be very annoyed if/when I use that phrase....!

But, as always with MSFS2020, things are not that simple. You may find some aircraft that use/respect one of these simvars but not the other. In such cases, use the one that works, However, I can't think of an aircraft that does this off-hand, but I think there are some that use/respect neither, and are controlled by lvars, input events (aka b-vars) or more complex calculator code (usually implemented via a preset). But you need to look at this on an individual or aircraft basis, and only when standard controls or offsets do not work as expected.



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