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7segmentdisplay and mobiflight


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Dear mr Dowson,

I have a question about using a 7segment display using mobiflight to display the present altitude when flying the fbw a320 neo in my cockpitproject using hardware (display 7219 ) 8 digits 7 segmented... pretty standard i asume..

I can not find an offset to use in mobiflight giving me the live altitude in the display 

is there one at all?

I am using alt value, offset from uipc but that does not work, the rotaryencoder is working fine regarding the alt selected display in the autopilot in the sim (FS2020)so the offset used with te rotaryencoder works fine

Best regards



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What offset are you using? The current aircraft altitude should be available in offset 0x0570 (or 0x6020 for GPS altitude). and offset 0x0590 for the calibrated value. For target altitudes, see 0x0798/0x0818 and 0x07D4, and indicated altitude in offset 0x3324. Try logging those offsets using FSUIPC's offset logging facilities to see which one matches the value you see in the VC.
There are also other offsets holding altitude values - take a look at the offset status document for details on each of these offsets.



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Hello again.

Thank you for the fast reply John

I may have asked the wrong question

i am working on a autopilot (hardware)

so the display for altitude is in the fmc

dialing the Rotary encoder works fine

and is visible in fs2020 autopilot dialing the desired altitude.

Best regards



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8 hours ago, PH1133 said:

so the display for altitude is in the fmc

But is that the target altitude or the actual altitude, and is that calibrated or not? As I said, FSUIPC has several offsets for altitude, try logging them and see which one matched (with any conversion applied) to the one in the FMC. I suspect you need the AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR:3 simvar (Selected Altitude in FCU), which is held in offset 0x0798, or AUTOPILOT ALTITUDE LOCK VAR:1 (Autopilot constrained altitude value) in offset 0x07D4. Try logging these, as well as the other offsets, and apply appropriate conversion (i.e. divide by 65536 to get meters then multiply by 3.2808 to get feet) before comparing it to the displayed value.

On 3/31/2024 at 12:57 AM, PH1133 said:

when flying the fbw a320 neo

Are you using the development or stable version of this aircraft?

Note also that the altitude of the FMC also works differently in managed and selected modes - see https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/altitude-management-with-the-a320-on-autopilot/477984/2 (for example). There should still be an offset that holds the displayed value though...


Edited by John Dowson
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Hi John

I am using the stable version FBW a320 version:0.11.01

To make display in autopilot work wich means you can dial your desired speed ( if you have a rotaryencoder installed offcourse) i have used  FSUIPC offset: Speed value (0x07E2) 2 bytes 0 ffff 

i have changed nothing in the base setting of fsuipc.

Hoping to be helpfull to other cockpiybuilders.....

Hav a nice flight

PS thank you so much John




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