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Cannot download latest FSUIPC7 update due to 'insecure' site?


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I've been having trouble with my SLC addon and I believe it's due to not having the latest FSUIPC7 update, I've attempted to download the latest version and my PC is saying the website is not safe, every time I try to download the new version it's saying 'virus detected'. How do I get around this? 

Thank you 

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The fsuipc,com website is using the http protocol, not https. I will change this when I get time - its been on my todo list for a couple of years! Its not an issue though, you just have to accept the insecure connection, and all the downloadable files are on https anyway.

As for the virus detected issue, this is a false-positive. See 



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Disregard. I read the directions. 😄

I'm not sure if *anyone* can download this version. 

The browsers are all hard-closing the connection, saying "Virus Detected". I have all my anti-virus stuff turned off and browser safety set to "I don't care"

Browsers I've tried with no success:


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