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Controls to toggle views

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Hi John

I am using FSUIPC 7.4.11 on the MSFS (the current version) that just works fine. I am looking for the control values I cannot locate in the list of controls included in the FSUIPC documentation:

  • The control to toggle between the cockpit camera and the external camera (assigned to button 'end' on the keyboard)
  • The control to toggle between the cockpit/external camera and the drone camera/fixed cameras (assigned to button 'insert' on the keyboard)

I have listed the default assignment on the keyboard because I use MSFS in German and therfore do not know how the two toggle functions are correctly called in the English MSFS.

For the time beeing, I have assinged key presses to the two buttons on my joystick but I prefere to used the controls. Could it be the two controls do not exist? By the way: The key press 'end' works correct but the key press 'insert' does not work. Cold that be or do I make a mistake?

Thanks a lot for your help
Hannes Schmid

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There are no standard controls for the camera. You can use the camera offsets
    0x026D - Camera State
    0x026E - Camera Substate
    0x026F - Camera View Type and Index:0
    0x0270 - Camera View Type and Index:1

However, it may be easier to use the presets - look under All Vendors -> All Aircraft -> Camera. They are not toggle controls, so you will have work out how to do this yourself. For example, to switch between cockpit camera and external camera, you would need to assign to both the presets
      External View - Default
      Pilot View - Normal
and then add an offset condition on offset 0x026D. Give it a go - I can help further if you have problems, but I won't have time until the weekend at the earliest.

On 5/13/2024 at 5:38 PM, GeronimoCH said:

By the way: The key press 'end' works correct but the key press 'insert' does not work. Cold that be or do I make a mistake?

'insert' (or 'VK_INSERT') is a valid key string and is requested just the same as all other keys, so not sure why this isn't working. I will check this here later.



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On 5/15/2024 at 11:29 AM, John Dowson said:

However, it may be easier to use the presets - look under All Vendors -> All Aircraft -> Camera. They are not toggle controls, so you will have work out how to do this yourself. For example, to switch between cockpit camera and external camera, you would need to assign to both the presets
      External View - Default
      Pilot View - Normal
and then add an offset condition on offset 0x026D

These are assignments for the End key to switch between cockpit and external:


6=B026D=2 35,8,PExternal_View_-_Default,0     -{End: Press=Preset Control }-
7=B026D!2 35,8,PPilot_View_-_Normal,0     -{End: Press=Preset Control }-


On 5/15/2024 at 11:29 AM, John Dowson said:

'insert' (or 'VK_INSERT') is a valid key string and is requested just the same as all other keys, so not sure why this isn't working. I will check this here later.

I have checked the insert key and it should work fine. To use this to switch between cockpit camera and drone camera, you can use the following:


8=B026D!4 45,8,PFree_Camera_-_Camera_Drone,0     -{Ins: Press=Preset Control }-
9=B026D=4 45,8,PPilot_View_-_Normal,0     -{Ins: Press=Preset Control }-

Try those and adjust as needed. Let me know if you have any issues.

If you want to use other camera views or states, try logging those offsets I mentioned and see what values are used for the views you want to be able to switch between. See the offset status document for what the values held in those offsets mean. 

Also, maybe check-out these similar requests:



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Hi John

Please excuse, that it took me so long to say thank you for your quick and competent help. I can confirm that the 'insert' key programmed via the .ini configuration just works fine. My impression that it does not work was caused by a misunderstanding on my side.

Also a thanky you for your information how I can program the 'toggle view' comands without using 'simulated' keyboard keypresses. I was not aware of the functionality described in your board entry above.

All the best

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