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Dans FSUIPC6 paramétrer "Bouton et Switch" pour Toga de l'autoThrottle.

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*** Moved from Announcements sub-forum to main support forum ***


J’essaye de paramétrer le bouton poussoir du dessus de la manette de mon throttle pour que l’AT fasse un Toga au décollage de mon PMDG 737NGXU sur P3D5.4.

De tout temps cela se faisait en paramétrant :

Bouton et Switch\ cocher Key when bouton is pressed\ et en attribuant le raccourci clavier   (  Ctrl+[  )

Mais actuellement cela ne fonctionne pas ! J’ai essayé avec plusieurs clavier, pensant que cela pouvait arranger le problème, mais rien ne change. Comment faire pour paramétrer ce bouton ?

Edited by John Dowson
Moved to main support forum
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First, you posted in the Announcements sub-forum, where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. Please post in the correct forum for support. I have moved your post.


In FSUIPC6 configure "Button and Switch" for Toga of the autoThrottle.
I am trying to configure the push button on top of my throttle lever so that the AT does a Toga when taking off my PMDG 737NGXU on P3D5.4.

This has always been done by configuring:

Button and Switch\ check Key when button is pressed\ and assigning the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+[)

But currently it doesn't work! I tried with several keyboards, thinking that this might fix the problem, but nothing changed. How do I configure this button?

It it is not working, it can be due to one of three things:

1. There is an issue with the assignment and FSUIPC is not sending the key press when you press the button. You can easily check this by activating logging for Buttons and key operations, open the logging console (check Send to console window) and see if the keysend command is logged.

2. The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+[ is not assigned to control the TOGA switch. Check this in your P3D key assignments. Note the default assignment for TOGA is Shift+Ctrl+G. You can also set logging for Events (non-axis controls) and you should see the AUTO_THROTTLE_TO_GA event logged.

3. The default AUTO_THROTTLE_TO_GA command does not work for the PMDG NGX aircraft. PMDG aircraft use their own custom controls for many buttons/switches. Looking at the header field for the NG3 (for the MSFS version, I do not have this aircraft for P3D) I can see the following custom controls:

#define EVT_CONTROL_STAND_TOGA1_SWITCH                    (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 684)
#define EVT_CONTROL_STAND_TOGA2_SWITCH                    (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 687)

To use the PMDG custom controls, see this FAQ entry:



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