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Latest FSUIPC7 won't auto start with FS

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With all the past versions it would auto start with Microsoft flight simulator, however with this latest one it's not Auto starting even though it's set up to auto start with MSFS.

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I encountered the same issue as the original poster after updating to the latest version V7.4.12. Please have the administrators fix it as soon as possible. Thank you!

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Are you aware of the changes to auto-start in the latest version, 7.3.12?

In 7,4,12, the default way to auto-start FSUIPC7 has been changed from using the MSFS EXE.xml file to using the FSUIPC7-installed MSFS.bat file, vie the MSFS Desktop icon installed by FSUIPC7. Therefore, if you are using the default auto-start method, you must use the MSFS desktop icon installed by the FSUIPC7 installer. If you start MSFS any other way, FSUIPC7 will not be auto-started. A console window is also created but this should be iconized, although sometimes this window is shown (a black/empty console window). If this window is killed/closed, then FSUIPC7 will not be auto-started.

If you are having issues with starting FSUIPC7 via the MSFS.bat file/Desktop icon, you can go back to the previous method of auto-starting FSUIPC7, using the MSFS EXE.xml file. To do this, re-run the FSUIPC7 installer. In the Components selection page, open the auto-start component, de-select the MSFS.bat method of auto-start and check the EXE.xml method. This will then revert to the previous method.

Note that I changed this as it looks like lua fscripts are running approx 10-13x slower when FSUIPC7 is auto-started via the EXE.xml method. If you do not use many lua scripts then this may not be an issue, and the performance is still probably acceptable even if you are.


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19 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

Are you aware of the changes to auto-start in the latest version, 7.3.12?

In 7,4,12, the default way to auto-start FSUIPC7 has been changed from using the MSFS EXE.xml file to using the FSUIPC7-installed MSFS.bat file, vie the MSFS Desktop icon installed by FSUIPC7. Therefore, if you are using the default auto-start method, you must use the MSFS desktop icon installed by the FSUIPC7 installer. If you start MSFS any other way, FSUIPC7 will not be auto-started. A console window is also created but this should be iconized, although sometimes this window is shown (a black/empty console window). If this window is killed/closed, then FSUIPC7 will not be auto-started.

If you are having issues with starting FSUIPC7 via the MSFS.bat file/Desktop icon, you can go back to the previous method of auto-starting FSUIPC7, using the MSFS EXE.xml file. To do this, re-run the FSUIPC7 installer. In the Components selection page, open the auto-start component, de-select the MSFS.bat method of auto-start and check the EXE.xml method. This will then revert to the previous method.

Note that I changed this as it looks like lua fscripts are running approx 10-13x slower when FSUIPC7 is auto-started via the EXE.xml method. If you do not use many lua scripts then this may not be an issue, and the performance is still probably acceptable even if you are.


Hello, here is the content of my bat file.



@echo off &setlocal 

:: remove CMD window
if not DEFINED IS_MINIMIZED set IS_MINIMIZED=1 && start "" /min "%~dpnx0" %* && exit

:: MS Store Installation: start MSFS with FastLaunch
cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch

:: these variables will be expanded in the HTA code
:: duration and animated dots per second
set /a dur = 25
set /a adps = 3
:: width or height = 0 will set splash image to half your screen size
set /a width = 0
set /a height = 0
:: image from MSFS web site
set "imageurl=https://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/desktop-hero_8711a4cf.jpg"
:: message displayed above image
set "waitmessage=<b>FSUIPC is preparing the cabin<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please wait</b>"

:: Variable to hold delay (in seconds) after MSFS has been started and before FSUIPC7 is started
set /a delay = 95

set "splash=%temp%\tmp.hta"
:: all lines beginning with min. 6 spaces are redirected into the HTA file
>"%splash%" (type "%~f0"|findstr /bc:"      ")
:: cmd.exe /C start mshta "%splash%"
start mshta "%splash%"

:: wait for MSFS to start
timeout /t %delay% /nobreak > NUL

:: start FSUIPC7
start "" "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe" "-auto2"

:: End Of Batch

      <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
      <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
          <title>MSFS 2020 Splash Screen</title>

           applicationname="MSFS 2020 Splash Screen"

          <style type="text/css">
            body      {margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;}
            .splashscreen {position: relative;}
            .ctext {
                    position: absolute;
                    top: 5%;
                    left: 55%;
                    text-align: left;
                    font-size: 2em;
                    font-family: "verdana";
                    color: orange;

          <script type="text/jscript">
            /* <![CDATA[ */
            var oWSH=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
            var i=parseInt(oWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%dur%"));
            var a=parseInt(oWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%adps%"));
            var w=parseInt(oWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%width%"));
            var h=parseInt(oWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%height%"));
            var s=oWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%imageurl%");
            var wm=oWSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%waitmessage%");
            var wm1 = wm + " .  ";
            var wm2 = wm + " .. ";
            var wm3 = wm + " ...";
            if (w == 0) w = screen.width / 2;
            if (h == 0) h = screen.height / 2;
            window.resizeTo(w, h);
            window.moveTo(screen.width / 2 - w / 2, screen.height / 2 - h / 2);
            var j = n = 0;
            var m = a * i;
            var t = 1000 / a;

            function start() {
              image.src = s;
              image.height = h;
              image.width = w;
              n = j % 3;
              wm = (n == 1) ? wm1 : (n == 2) ? wm2 : wm3;
              document.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = wm;
              if (j++ < m) setTimeout('start()', t);
              else window.close();
            /* ]]> */

        <body onload="start()">
          <div class="splashscreen">
            <img id="image" src="" alt="" height="0" width="0" /> 
            <div class="ctext" id="msg"></div>

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1 hour ago, zayixang said:

Hello, here is the content of my bat file.

That looks fine, and shows that FSUIPC7 should be started here:

start "" "C:\FSUIPC7\FSUIPC7.exe" "-auto2"

after a 95 second delay after MSFS is started. As long as you don't kill the script (by closing/exiting the console window) I cannot see how FSUIPC7 cannot be auto-started if using that bat file (usually via the MSFS desktop icon).

As I said, if you are having issues with this (and I have no idea why), then re-install and switch back to the old method of starting FSUIPC7, via the EXE.xml file.


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I see...so I have a bat file already launching my MSFS for my reshade. Can I add it too that one? The reshade bat file only has this:



cd %UserProfile%\ReshadeInjectUWP
inject64.exe "FlightSimulator.exe" | powershell Start-Process -filepath explorer.exe shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App




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35 minutes ago, BillA said:

I see...so I have a bat file already launching my MSFS for my reshade. Can I add it too that one? The reshade bat file only has this:

Ok, so you are not using the MSFS.bat file (via the Desktop icon installed by FSUIPC) to start MSFS and FSUIPC7.

Yes, you can add the start of FSUIPC7 to the batch file you are using. Best to do this after a delay (95 seconds) period from starting MSFS, and also a good idea to pass the '-auto2' parameter so that FSUIPC knows it is being started via a batch file.

Alternatively, you can re-install and select the previous method to have FSUIPC7 auto-started, via the MSFS EXE.xml file.


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I have the same problem. with version V7.4.12. With V7.4.11 there is no problem. I think you broke the autostart feature by adding a second option. 

For now I reverted back to 7.4.11 until you solved the problem.

BR, Bodo


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8 minutes ago, Bodo Mueller said:

I think you broke the autostart feature by adding a second option. 

No, it is not broken. Have you read the above? Are you using the Desktop MSFS icon installed by the FSUIPC7 installer to start MSFS? If not, that is why FSUIPC7 is not being auto-started. If you are using that, and you are leaving the bat file running (i.e. not closing/killing it by closing the console window that is created) then FSUIPC7 will be started.

If you are not using the Desktop MSFS link, then FSUIPC7 will NOT be started. Re-install and when you get to the components screen, open the auto-start options, deselect the MSFS.bat auto-start method and select the EXE.xml auto-start method. 

12 minutes ago, Bodo Mueller said:

For now I reverted back to 7.4.11 until you solved the problem.

There is no problem to solve. You should update and decide which auto-start method you want to use and then use that.


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