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older FSUIPC works

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*** Posted in Announcements sub-forum, moved to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum ***

new FSUIPC is not working, uninstalled . Found 7.4.9 and works perfect, no issues.

7.4.12 has causesd me nothing but problems.

Edited by John Dowson
Moved to FSUIPC7 support forum
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First, you posted in the Announcements sub-forum, where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. Please take care to post in the correct forum for support - I have moved your post.

11 hours ago, Robinhood6878 said:

new FSUIPC is not working,

That statement is of no use. What exactly is not working? Can you at least attach a log file?

These are the known issues with 7.4.12:
  1. Controllers/devices that have a vendor ID of 0000 are no longer recognised. This is a mistake on my part and an easy fix is available for this (i.e. adding IgnoreDevice=0xFFFF,0xFFFF
to the [JoyNames] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file, as well as a new version available (see topic Missing Joystick - Fulcrum One Yoke).
  2. Key presses sometimes not received by FSUIPC7, so key assignments and application hot keys no longer work. This is due to timing issues and has been a recurring problem for quite a while. The fix for this is to tune the start-up parameters correctly.
  3. FSUIPC7 just not working (i.e. no assignments, no lua, etc). This is due to auto-tuning setting very high values, usually as it has determined the values during an MSFS update. The result of this is that FSUIPC seems to not work as it is still waiting to connect and start everything. Just wait, and things will eventually start. or if you exit and restart FSUIPC7, everything should connect. The fix for this would be to either force another auto-tuning run or to manually tune the start-up parameters. See the section on auto-tuning and start-up parameters in the Advanced User guide.
  4. Issues with auto-start. The switch to using the MSFS.bat file rather than the EXE.xml file to auto-start FSUIPC7 has caused issues for some people, especially if FSUIPC7 is installed in a windows-protected folder (e.g. Documents or Program Files). The easy way to fix this is to use the EXE.xml auto-start component rather than the MSFS.bat method, selectable in the Components page of the installation process. There is a FAQ entry on this topic: FSUIPC7 auto-start with MSFS2020.

11 hours ago, Robinhood6878 said:

7.4.12 has causesd me nothing but problems.

What problems exactly?

It really is pointless posting if you are not going to provide any details. And for any issue, you should at least include/attach your FSUIPC7.log file.

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Cannot recall what version I was using but had a prompt to upgrade to v7.4.12, which I did, after this my flight panels from Stream Deck Profiles for Microsoft Flight Simulator | Flight Panels stopped working. FSUIPC7 then said all was connected, but there was clearly an issue.

I have downgraded back to v7.4.11 which I had a copy of which I am testing out.

I would appreciate any links to older versions.

I also purchased & registered to show my support for this product

Happy to provide logs / testing if you can advise to help anyone solve similar issues.

V7.4.11 appears to have helped but needs more testing.

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10 hours ago, PeetNZ said:

I would appreciate any links to older versions.

I do not provide links to older versions - only the latest version is supported.

10 hours ago, PeetNZ said:

Happy to provide logs / testing if you can advise to help anyone solve similar issues.

Please show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log file (from 7.4.12, not 7.4.11).


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