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Flight Control Replay V5: Fenix A320 issues after takeoff/PMDG 737-800 issues with flight controls, switches, lights, etc.

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I just recently purchased FCRv5 and did a few flights to test the waters of cinematic video creations. There are a couple things I noticed that are killing the emersion and just wanted to hop on here to see if there's any fix to these. Keep in mind, all my replays are re-initialized from the main menu prior to loading the replay, and the replay sample rate is set at 60. 

With the Fenix A320, everything works really well up until after the aircraft leaves the ground. The engines will spool all the way down to idle, and the flight controls will stop working (spoilers deploying). With the PMDG 737-800, when you enter replay mode, the lights don't sync up (I.E. strobes and beacon is blinking way too fast), sometimes sound doesnt work at all, the flaps lever can be heard rapidly moving back and forth, and sometimes the flight controls don't work or dont sync up, etc. 

Seems to happen very randomly. I know these aircraft bypass certain things in the simulator, just didnt know if anyone has found any alternative fixes for these that they'd like to share. I would greatly appreciate it!

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Every update i releasing will change in better compatibility with custom variables that these 3rd party planes uses .... For Fenix and PMDG specially ..... 

In next June Update will be available Tiller movements and better management of ailerons and some other parts for fenix

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