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No connection for Wideclient


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Hello. I have been using Wideclient on a remote PC for several years without difficulty, Now it will not connect. I have reinstalled Wideclient on the remote PC but still does not connect. Just says "waiting for connection".  Widefs is enabled in FSUIPC.  Log files attached. Windows 10/64 and MSFS. I have had a few issues lately with the sim and addons and have probably done something stupid to disable Widefs.

Thanks for any help.


Screenshot 2024-07-15 142749.jpg

Screenshot 2024-07-15 142858.jpg

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11 hours ago, Bigmarty said:

Log files attached.

No they were not - you pasted images. Please attach the following files (not paste images or contents):
       From your server PC: FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini, WideServer.log
       From your client PC: WidweClient.log, WideClient.ini

11 hours ago, Bigmarty said:

I have been using Wideclient on a remote PC for several years without difficulty, Now it will not connect.

Did anything change? Please check the following:
   - firewalls: maybe temoprarily disable all firewalls (client and server PCs, routers) to see if its a firewall issue
   - check your WorkGroup names, both PCs must be in the same WorkGroup
You can also try adding the ServerName and Protocol ini parameters to your WideClient.ini file. Please see the Configure your Network section of the WideFS User Guide. And see the trouble-shooting notes in the WideFS Technical guide.

Also a good idea to reboot both PCs if you haven't done that already.




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Thank you for the reply. Files are attached. Workgroup names are the same.  I added the ServerName (tried both the name and IP address), and Protocol (tried TCP and UDP) to the Wideclient.ini file. Tried with antivirus and firewalls disabled. Rebooted both PC's several times. Still getting "Waiting for Connection".

Hope you can see something in the files.

Thanks for your help.


FSUIPC7.1.log FSUIPC7.ini WideClient.ini WideClient.log

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Your FSUIPC7.1.log is a continuation log file. Please do not do this (i.e. start a new log) - I need to see the full log file not a partial one. And your WideClient.log shows that it connected but that you closed WideClient after 7 seconds:


********* WideClient Log [version 7.16] Class=FS98MAIN *********
Date (dmy): 17/07/24, Time 09:18:43.106: Client name is MARTINS-MAIN-PC
      250 LUA: "D:\WideClient\Initial.LUA": not found
      250 Attempting to connect now
      266 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
      266 ... Okay, IP Address =

     7266 ****** End of session performance summary ******
     7266 Total time connected = 0 seconds
     7266 Reception maximum:  0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec
     7266 Transmission maximum:  0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec
     7266 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

     7266 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

Why was this? Can you explain what happened please, or try running WideCLient for a bit longer...


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2 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Why was this? Can you explain what happened please, or try running WideCLient for a bit longer...

 I did not start a new log on purpose. Do not know why that happened. No, don't know how to explain the above. This time I ran Wideclient for 7 or 8 minutes without connecting.

The attached files were copied while the sim was running. I cant copy the FSUIPC log because the file it too big apparently.

Thanks again for your help.


WideServer.log FSUIPC7(1).ini WideClient.ini WideClient.log

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7 minutes ago, Bigmarty said:

The attached files were copied while the sim was running

Please exit FSUIPC7  and WideClient before attaching files (you can keep MSFS running).

8 minutes ago, Bigmarty said:

I cant copy the FSUIPC log because the file it too big apparently.

If its too large, compress/zip it.

WideClient again looked like it connected:


      203 Attempting to connect now
      234 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
      234 ... Okay, IP Address =
    21297 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out
    21297 Ready to try connection again
    22343 Attempting to connect now
    66515 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
    66515 ... Okay, IP Address =
   132750 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
   132750 ... Okay, IP Address =
   173718 New Client Application: "CXAcars" (Id=10016)
   198968 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
   198968 ... Okay, IP Address =
   265265 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
   265265 ... Okay, IP Address =

But there was no sign of it in your WideServer.log file though.

I will check things here when I get a chance and get back to you. However, it would be useful to see all the correct files from the same session, and attached when FSUIPC7 / WideClient have closed.

You also seem to be using a very old version of FSUIPC7 (including WideServer) - 7.2.11, which is from October 2021. I am very surprised that version even works...
And I only support the latest version, which is 7.4.15. Can you please update to the latest version of FSUIPC, try again, and remember to exit FSUIPC7 and WideClient before attaching files.


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Your logs show that WideServer/FSUIPC is not receiving the response from WideClient and the connection times-out:


    23516 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out

This error is usually caused by the connection being blocked by a firewall. Are you sure that you tested with ALL firewalls turned off? Especially check the firewall(s) on your server PC (i.e. the one running MSFS/FSUIPC7).
Alternatively, something else could be running on the default ports (8002 and 9002). You could try changing these (for both WideServer and WideClient) - see the WidFS Technical guide for details on the Port and Port2 ini file oprions.

Note that your FSUIPC7.log is large as you have event and axis controls activated, which aren't needed. Anyway, I just wanted to check that WideServer was running, which your logs show, so no need to attach that file again.

There are quite a few reports with this  same error/issue over the years (Flight Sim version not really important for this issue as WideServer and WideClient will be the same), and it is always the firewall configuration (maybe caused by a windows update) that causes this issue. For example, see the following:


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I guess it will have to stay a mystery for now. I tried the things shown in the attachments, changed the port numbers but no luck. I even fully uninstalled the anti-virus/firewall software from both the FS and Client PC's (I was going to buy new anti-virus software anyway). Still just "waiting for connection".

I will try fully uninstalling FSUIPC and Wideclient with a clean reinstall.

I will report if I get it going and will check back to see if there is anything else I can try.

Appreciate your help, and I have learned a lot about the issue for future reference and for others who might look at this thread, so some benefit.

Thank you.




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Success - I fully uninstalled FSUIPC and Wideclient from the FS and Client PC's, manually deleted remaining files, restarted both pc's, and did a clean reinstall. Now it connects!

So happy now.

Thanks again for all your help.




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