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Hi John/Pete ,

as I make a lot of documentation for my flightsim, I tried to restructure the FSUIPC.INI file.

I want to add some  "comment sections" to see the structure in the collapsed mode of the file.
Rare comment lines disappear in the collapsed mode.

See my example


But this doesnt work, needless to say.

Please help me for a solution or a work around.




You cannot add 'comment sections', and I am not sure about comments outside sections - check the documentation (via google) for comments in windows ini files.

Trailing comments are allowed in most FSUIPC7 ini file sections but not all, and not on the section label itself. For example, this is from the Advanced User guide on comments in the [Buttons] and [Buttons.xxx] sections:


You can add comments following a semicolon (;) at the end of the line, and these will be retained. You can also insert lines containing only comments, but they need an <Entry number> too, otherwise they may not retain their relative position. Comments can contain up to 63 characters—longer ones will be truncated if and when the [Buttons] section is re-written by FSUIPC


Also, as I said, the FSUIPC7.ini file is a standard windows ini file and the standard rules on comments apply except where documented (e.g. we allow trailing comments on most but not all entries). 



Thanks John

so, if I define a section with the name [Comment1] and another with [Comment2], what does your parser do? 

Can you ignore those sections? Or what happens with unknown section names?

Is the FSUIPC.INI file operated in a normal way and usable?

The Windows INI definition has no restrictions for section names.


  On 8/9/2024 at 9:51 AM, Alhard Horstmann said:

so, if I define a section with the name [Comment1] and another with [Comment2], what does your parser do? 


FSUIPC will do nothing with such sections (i.e. they will be ignored). 

  On 8/9/2024 at 9:51 AM, Alhard Horstmann said:

Is the FSUIPC.INI file operated in a normal way and usable?

The Windows INI definition has no restrictions for section names.


FSUIPC only uses certain section names - others will be ignored. However, there position in the ini file may change when other sections are re-written, but I am not sure about this - just try it.


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