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MSFS FSUIPC7 Offset for Squawk Ident ?

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11 hours ago, mroschk said:

i am searching for the Offset for Transponder or Squawk Ident ?

Please see offset 0x0354:

0x0354 2 TRANSPONDER CODE:1 Responded
Transponder setting, 4 digits in BCD format: 0x1200 means 1200 on the dials.



thanks for the Answer, but i am looking for TRANSPONDER IDEN Button Offset.
Not the Digits for the Transponder.

Sometimes ATC ask you "...and SQUAWK IDENT" to identify and find you an the Radar Screen.



The TRANSFER IDENT simvar is not held in any offset. You can add it to an offset if you like, but you would normally trigger it using one of the provided events -  from the MSFS documentation:

  TRANSPONDER IDENT This can set the Ident transponder using the KEY_XPNDR_IDENT_SET, KEY_XPNDR_IDENT_TOGGLE, KEY_XPNDR_IDENT_ON or KEY_XPNDR_IDENT_OFF Event IDs (see XPNDR (Transponder) section for more information). When set to true, it will automatically turn false after 18 seconds. Bool  

If you want to use an offset, you can trigger any control using offset 0x3110, e.g. write 67314 to trigger XPNDR_IDENT_ON

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