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I hope you had a wonderful Holiday. 

Since .18, I've noted the offsets ID'd in the title no longer return values; they're null.  Can you confirm they're still functional in 7.5.1?  Thank you!   


There have been no changes to FSUIPC in this area, but I will take a look when I get a chance - this may take a couple of days as I am quite busy,,.
In the mean-time, could you try the attached version, 7.4.17, to see if they still function in this version, 



Just checked this and I see the same in those offsets with 7.4.17 and 7.5.1:


********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.5.1 (20th December 2024) by John Dowson *********
      8453 Monitor IPC:0640 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGLL"
     8453 Monitor IPC:0658 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGTF"
     8453 Monitor IPC:0646 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGWU"
     8453 Monitor IPC:066C (AsciiZ) = [100]"EGWU6NB¼äÖ¾ªÿíBùÊ‘@HAMCMœMBz¬¾"


********* FSUIPC7, Version 7.4.17 (4th September 2024) by John Dowson *********
    21282 Monitor IPC:0640 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGLL"
    21282 Monitor IPC:0658 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGTF"
    21282 Monitor IPC:0646 (AsciiZ) = [4]"EGWU"
    21282 Monitor IPC:066C (AsciiZ) = [100]"EGWU6NB¼äÖ¾ªÿíBùÊ‘@HAMCMœMBz¬¾"

i.e. there is no change,

I don't understand why the first airport at offset 0x0640 is EGLL though and not EGTF, the first airport at offset 0x0658 (the plane was in a runway at EGLL).

Have you tried monitoring those offsets to see what has changed? Also check that you have the GetNearestAirports ini parameter set to Yes,


@kingm56 I have looked into this further, and there is an issue with offset 0x0640. That holds 6 *6 character idents, i.e. needs 36 bytes. However, offset 0x0658 is only 24 bytes away, so the full idents for airports 5 & 6 are overwriting 0x0658.
The offset are for the full 6 character idents should start at 0x0630, not 0x0640, to prevent this. I have corrected this in the attached version.



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