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Adv Text Display

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I am trying to use Adv Text Display to display messages (pilot, ATC, etc.) from Squawkbox within the Adv Text Display window. This works when SB indicates another player has joined the session but any communication between pilots, atc and private messages do not appear.

Please advise if this is possible and how I need to configure to Adv Text display to redirect these messages. Please note that All Vatsim messages that appear on Squawkbox also appear in the scrolling text (red letter/green bar) within flight simulator.



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I am trying to use Adv Text Display to display messages (pilot, ATC, etc.) from Squawkbox within the Adv Text Display window. This works when SB indicates another player has joined the session but any communication between pilots, atc and private messages do not appear.

Please advise if this is possible and how I need to configure to Adv Text display to redirect these messages. Please note that All Vatsim messages that appear on Squawkbox also appear in the scrolling text (red letter/green bar) within flight simulator.

I really do not know whay they are not appearing. Evidently they are using some property of that window facility which I am excluding.

I am not a Squawkbox user, so I am unable to determine the reasons here. There are two possible ways to proceed. Either you can ask the Squawkbox author to tell me exactly waht parameters he is using in the call to FS, or I can devise a modification to log these things and get to to run it.

Let me know.


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thanks for you fast response. Through trial and error I figured this out. Text from Squawkbox shows up in the SB program window and is also redirected to the FS Chat window. If the Chat window is Open then the conversation text goes to the Chat Window. Squawkbox announcements of who is joining and leaving the session never go to the Chat Window and therefore always go to the Adv Display window. Once you close the Chat window, then ALL messages end up going to the Adv Display Window.

I am using Adv Text Display and Show Text (with sound) to redirect ATC text to another computer elsewhere in my house. This way when I am away from my office (for example when online but at altitude in an area with no ATC) I can still pick up messages if ATC or another player are trying to get hold of me. Works great.


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Text from Squawkbox shows up in the SB program window and is also redirected to the FS Chat window. If the Chat window is Open then the conversation text goes to the Chat Window. Squawkbox announcements of who is joining and leaving the session never go to the Chat Window and therefore always go to the Adv Display window. Once you close the Chat window, then ALL messages end up going to the Adv Display Window.

Ah .. so AdvDisplay is capturing them when it should. That's good! Thanks for letting me know.

I am using Adv Text Display and Show Text (with sound) to redirect ATC text to another computer elsewhere in my house. This way when I am away from my office (for example when online but at altitude in an area with no ATC) I can still pick up messages if ATC or another player are trying to get hold of me. Works great.

That's quite a novel use of the facility! Good thinking! :lol:



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