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Paul Henty

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Paul Henty last won the day on June 29

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About Paul Henty

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Gloucestershire, UK

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  1. Hi Rob, Looks like I need to update it to recognise MSFS2024. I'll get a new version out tomorrow. Paul
  2. There's an example project that explains how to use it. It also explains where to get a required file called FSUIPC_WAPID.dll that you need, and how to include it in your project. http://fsuipc.paulhenty.com/#downloads The example project is a few years old now. If it includes a FSUIPC_WAPID.dll file it could be too old to work so you should get the latest. On the MSFS side you need to install the WASM module which is installed by the FSUIPC installer. So make sure you're also up-to-date with the latest FSUIPC7. MSFSVariableServices is a completely separate system from the normal connection used for offsets. It's the preferred way to work with LVars (and HVars) in MSFS as it's hundreds of times faster than FSUIPCConnection.ReadLVar(). Paul
  3. If you're using FSUIPC7 (MSFS) and the new MSFSVariableServices class then yes, you can: MSFSVariableServices.CreateLVar("L:NewLVar", 0); // (Name, Initial Value) If you're using FSUIPC6 (i.e. the legacy FSUIPCConnection.ReadLVar() method) it's possible (FSUIPC6 supports creates) but I haven't included it in the DLL. Let me know and I can a add it. For FSUIPC5 and earlier versions it's not possible to create LVars. Paul
  4. Hi. Sorry for the delay in replying, I've only seen it today. The newer versions of the DLL only work with .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later. As the error message shows, your project is currently using Framework 4.5 which is not compatible. You need to upgrade the framework used by your project: Go to your project in the solutions explorer and double-click on the 'My Project' node. In the "Application" tab, find the dropdown called "Target framework" and change it to 4.6.2 or later. You may need to install if if it's not in the list. Reload the project and then add the Nuget Package again. Paul
  5. Hi Claude, This forum is for .NET programming with FSUIPC. Please repost your question in the main FSUIPC support forum here... https://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/ Scroll down until you see the [Start new topic] button. Paul
  6. Hi Nigel, I don't know anything about the new fuel system. I assume that you can't get the info via the normal Payload Services class? Maybe @John Dowson knows something about this. There may be some new offsets, or LVars you can use. Paul
  7. Please repost your question in the main FSUIPC forum here: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/ This sub-forum is about .NET programming. Your post may not be seen by someone who can help you here. Paul
  8. Hi Lolo, After you make changes to Payload Stations and Fuel Tanks you need to call WriteChanges() to send the changes to the Sim. I think in WinDev it will be something like: FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices:WriteChanges() If you need to change many Fuel Tanks you just call this once at the end: oFuelTanks :get_Item(FSFuelTanks ::Centre_Main) :set_LevelPercentage(30) oFuelTanks :get_Item(FSFuelTanks ::Centre_Left) :set_LevelPercentage(50) oFuelTanks :get_Item(FSFuelTanks ::Centre_Right) :set_LevelPercentage(50) FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices:WriteChanges() Paul
  9. Hi Brandon, I can't see anything wrong with the code you've pasted, but it doesn't show where you are calling Process(). The built-in ValueChanged flag only tells you if the change happed on the last Process(), so if you're checking values on a different timer or thread than the Process() calls you could miss the change. (Two process calls go by between your checks for ValueChanged). Could that be what's happening? If so I could make it so that ValueChanged is preserved until you actually test for the change. The ValueChanged feature was added long before multi-threading and async programming was easy in .NET, so it's really designed for a single thread, synchornous application. If that's not the case and your checks are definitely made after every process() on a single thread, please let me know and paste the code where you call Process() and I'll look into it some more. Paul
  10. The error is correct; you can't create a new instance of it. It's a static class. I don't know wlanguage so I'm not sure how to get a reference to a static class. Maybe this... ps <- FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices Does that assign a reference of an existing class? Maybe it's not possible and you need to use the full name instead of 'ps': e.g. FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices:RefreshData() oFuelTanks = FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices:FuelTanks Try that. Or look at the WLanguage documentation to see how to deal with static classes in .NET. Paul
  11. Hi, I don't know WLanguage so I'm going to put the C# and my attempt at WLanguage. You are missing a few steps: First you must get a reference to the PayloadServices: C#: PayloadServices ps = FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices; Wlanguage? ps is a PayloadServices ps = FSUIPCConnection.PayloadServices; Then you need to call RefreshData to load the current payload information from the Sim: ps:RefreshData() Then you need to get the fuel tanks collection: C#: FsFuelTanksCollection fuelTanks = ps.FuelTanks; WLanguage? oFuelTanks is a FsFuelTanksCollection oFuelTanks = ps:FuelTanks From here the rest of your code should work. Paul
  12. HI, I don't have any PMDG aircraft so I can't help much. Check that you've enabled the SDK in the 777's ini file. Have you tried with normal mouse left/right clicks? Maybe you can also just pass the actual baro value you want as the parameter. Some controls work like that. Paul
  13. Hi Andy, When you call MoveAircraftToHere() the DLL moves it to whatever position is set in the StartLocation property of the FsRunway object. That comes from the MakeRunways file called Runways.xml. Within each <Runway> tag is <FSStartLat> and <FSStartLon>. If this file doesn't have the correct location for the start of the runway then there's nothing I can do to fix it. On my system (FS9) this location is correct and so I always get set up on the center line. Make sure your users have run MakeRunways and rebuilt their airports database recently. If it's out-of-date then the data will not line up with any new scenery they've installed. Is it okay on your system? Paul
  14. You will need need to attach the handlers after the 777 loading process. I'm not clear on the specific sequence of events for your application. There will be a time when you don't want notifications and a later time when you do. When you do, that's when you attach the handlers. It's the handlers that are presumably producing the 'spam' when you don't want them to. If they are no attached yet they won't do anything. Paul
  15. The best way would be to delay attaching the event handlers until you need them. At the moment you attach them in the constructor. You could take out the call to AttachEventHandlers() and make that method public or internal. Then you can call it when you're application is ready to receive the notifications. You could also have a corresponding DetachEventHandlers() if there will be a time where you want to ignore the notifications. Paul
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