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Initial Position question

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Hello pete,
I want to ask about the initial position,
here piece of code I did.

Fsu->Write(__func__,0x560, 4, &Location.X1);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x564, 4, &Location.X2);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x568, 4, &Location.Y1);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x56C, 4, &Location.Y2);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x570, 4, &Location.AltLo);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x574, 4, &Location.AltHi);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x578, 4, &Location.Pitch);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x57C, 4, &Bank);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x580, 4, &Location.Heading);
Fsu->Write(__func__,0x350,4, &Location.Freq);

if (Id==5 || Id==9) {


my question : 

why if I use the onground and / or speed the FS will do the Loading terrain data which is take sometime which I don't want to, otherwise the FS take me to the new location instantly (without onground or / and speed).

btw I don't understand what offset 0x0588 for.


thanks in advance. 

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why if I use the onground and / or speed the FS will do the Loading terrain data which is take sometime which I don't want to, otherwise the FS take me to the new location instantly (without onground or / and speed)..


Well, I could just say "ask Microsoft", as all these facilities are doing is calling the relevant facilities in SimConnect. However, my guess is that the location change is simply that, like Slew in FS. Such facilities are needed to synchronise likned PCs following the same flight. The "initial position" facility is more like going to the main selection menu dialogue in FS and selecting a new position. Obviously it assumes nothing about where it was before.


btw I don't understand what offset 0x0588 for


Well, I looked it up and it says that it is "...  the elapsed real time, in seconds, at the last time any of the aircraft situation variables (LLAPBH, Lat Lon alt Pitch Bank Heading) in offsets 0560-0580 were updated by FS", so its most obvious application is to time the change in a linked PC running FS using the facilities just mentioned, to set position etc, to avoid them stuttering or jerking in relation to the FS view. It's a facility requested by folks making sophisticated multi-PC systems.


You don't actually NEED to use facilities you don't understand, surely?





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