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pmdg 737 lost taxi steering when upgrade to 4.1

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I didn't know where to start with this as I've searched all over the place. When I upgraded p3d v4 to v4.1 I lost steering while taxiing my pmdg 737. It appears the rudder command (Saitek rudder pedals) is being sent to the plane and I see the front wheel turn but the plane keeps going straight.

Has anyone else had this issue? ideas? Can anyone send me to a place to ask about this if it's not an fscuip issue.






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5 minutes ago, colinm44 said:

I didn't know where to start with this as I've searched all over the place. When I upgraded p3d v4 to v4.1 I lost steering while taxiing my pmdg 737. It appears the rudder command (Saitek rudder pedals) is being sent to the plane and I see the front wheel turn but the plane keeps going straight.

Does it work on other aircraft, particularly default?

Have you got the latest P3D4 version of the PMDG 737NGX. I believe it has been updated a few times.

If the rudder command is going to the aircraft (does it operate the rudder as well as the nose wheel?), the there's really nothing wrong with the assignment, whether you are using FSUIPC or not. Certainly FSUIPC cannot interfere at all.

The other places to ask folks are the AVSIM P3D forum, the PMDG forums, and the L-M support forum.



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Hi Pete, Im still having the problem with steering on pmdg 737. I posted a support email at pmdg and this is their response. I did that and set up rudder and throttle in pd3 and it worked fine.


1 hour ago, colinm44 said:

I use fscuip for my controllers along with saitek rudder peddles.


And yes it is a mystery and it's only with pmdg 737 now. It used to be all of my planes. It's a pain using thrust and brakes to make a turn.

Move the FSUIPC.ini out of the modules folder temporarily. Issue goes away? FSUIPC issue. Tends to be the case, unfortunately.



Kyle Rodgers
PMDG Development and Support

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1 hour ago, colinm44 said:

Move the FSUIPC.ini out of the modules folder temporarily. Issue goes away? FSUIPC issue. Tends to be the case, unfortunately.

Why does PMDG say that? FSUIPC doesn't touch rudder or steering or have anything to do with it unless you tell it to. Teere's a known problem between A2A and PMDG aircraft, and possibly others, and P3D4.1 -- problems which can be aggravated by EZDOK or any other method of controlling rudder and steering. A2A have already changed their aircraft. 

L-M have already confessed to a change in 4.1 which does this. Please, PMDG, do your research more carefully in future. It is an easy to simply blame FSUIPC for everything, even though it is very rarely the case. It is just laziness by their support.

If simply moving the FSUIPC.INI file out "solves" the problem, then the problem is apparently in the FSUIPC settings, because that is what the INI file contains! It is reltaed to what FSUIPC is being told to do! FSUIPC is just the passive vehicle acting on user's requests and settings.


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