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buick552 last won the day on October 31 2018

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  1. I sure will. I am looking forward to receiving this new library (dll) to start communicating with this server. You and Dowsons have contributed a lot to this community. We really owe you a lot.
  2. Oh my god.. Paul.. you are awesome.. Thank you very much. I will download and start working on it as soon as possible.
  3. Hi Paul, is it possible to show an example of that server and of the TCP/IP communication via VB.net?
  4. Sir, thank you for the quick reply. Sorry, I didn't know it was reported, well.. if that's a known issue, I don't think you need to increase the LVAR limit. Thank you for your efforts sir.
  5. Closing and restarting FSUIPC doesn't help
  6. Also, I noticed that, when you list LVars on FSUIPC, other aircraft's LVARs are listed even though the selected aircraft is another one.
  7. Mr Dowson, I am having a strange issue on MSFS, or maybe on FSUIPC these days . I have FBW A320, LSH Maddog MD82, PMDG's B737 and JustFlight's BAE 146. I have an application which extracts data from FSUIPC via FSUIPCclient.dll. The problem is, these aircraft suppress each other's LVARs. For example, when I start with FBW A320, everything works fine, then I change the aircraft and select another one, say it is MD82, the application can not find MD 82's parkbrake LVAR, seatbelt LVAR etc. You disable other aircraft by using MSFS Addon Linker (another application), start the MSFS, start MD82, this time everything works fine. You enable FBW A320, start MSFS with FBW, this time FBW's parking brake LVAR can not be found. MD82 works fine. When an aircraft works fine, the others don't. If you disable all others and enable only the one you will fly, it's ok. What might be the problem sir?
  8. Paul, I appreciate your precise and quick answer. Thank you very much. Things are clearer now, let's see what we can do about this..
  9. Paul, to be clearer... My app has a dll which reads LVars on specific aircraft. For example, PMDG 738ngxu, Leonardo's MD82, QWings 787 and some more aircraft like these do not use standart offsets for lights. That's why I created a dll. If the aircraft is one of them then the app asks the dll to read the Lvar and return the value. The dll currently searches for the values of strobe, nav light, beacon, landinglight, taxi light, seatbelt light, door and parking brake. As far as I see, all specific aircraft produce "a number" in return when you ask for the value of the Lvar. So.. let's say the user is on widefs. If my dll asks the aircraft for the value of an Lvar (one the Lvars above), and receives a numeric answer, is it possible to put that value on a free offset, and then the app goes and reads the value of that offset? Would it also be a workaround instead of slowing down the dll?
  10. Well.. I am having the same problem.. any improvement on the issue? Besides, is there any way to detect if the user runs widefs? I'd like to try this work around only if the user is on widefs. Normal users should go as they were.
  11. Ahh.. that easy? I have been looking for on the net for the last 2 hours. Sir, thanks a lot..
  12. Gents.. I know my question will be too "basic level" but I really will appreciate if somebody could tell me how I could get LTS_PositionSw from PMDG_737_NGX_Offsets I am using Visual Basic.. I just need one example.
  13. Hey folks.. where can we get the full LVARs list of PMDG's B738? .. or .. maybe I should ask first.. is there any legal problems if I ask my first question? I am a fully licenced PMDG B738 owner.
  14. Paul, I couldn't use this ReadLVar facility on my app. I am on Visual Basic and I use these codes to get data from the sim... OpenFSUIPC() Dim groundspeed As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(&H2B4) gloGS = (groundspeed.Value * 1.9438445) / 65536.0 ... What is the required code for VB to get LVAR value?
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