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Everything posted by 737-SimGuy

  1. Very good! I posted in their SDK forum as well as one other before me. glad to hear they read them as I received no response. Thanks Pete, James
  2. Hi Pete, I was referring to the 0xB000 offsets there: B000 4 bytes changed indicator (tick count at time) B004 4 bytes type value (as documented for Lua) B008 4 bytes display duration in secs (32-bit float) B00C 4 bytes the ID of the SimConnect event B010 4 bytes the length of the data followingB014he text data received (<= 2028 bytes) These are what is not being populated with data in P3Dv5 when the SimConnect textmenu is active. They work perfectly in P3Dv4. The "textmenu.cpp" in the P3Dv4&5 SDK are exactly the same regarding the event structure, so I'm thinking it is a bug on LM part. I have posted a message in LM SDK forum, but no response so far. James
  3. Hi guys, I too have the problem where the FSUIPC 6.0.3 simconnect menu controls do not operate in P3dv5, but are fine in P3Dv4. Also, and more importantly for me, I use 0xB000 et al to retrieve the menu items in order to display them on a custom page in my CDU. These values are not being populated in P3Dv5, so the LM simconnect message events must have been changed as well? So based on your above messages I gather I should be having this discussion with LM. I will post something in their forum and if I learn anything I will let you know. James
  4. Fly Elise IDP last update in March included DX12 and P3Dv5 support. In fact that was my first clue that v5 was about to be released. So it’s working fine. I use ViewGroup exported from IDP after my warping calibration. The warping corrects the perspective even on flat screens, at least for me in such a large span, and also more importantly allows me to correct the alignment between screens without have the projectors mount exactly perfect. Also my screens, being pull downs, have some wavy spots in them and I correct for that with the warping as well. And of course I have three different view groups, one aligned for each pilot and also a center alignment for taking pics from the back of the cockpit. James
  5. I switched to Sim-Avionics several years ago and love it. Mark has evolved it into a great product, very comprehensive indeed. As far as my screens go they are probably the most neglected part of my setup! I use three 100 inch pull down screens with three Optima 1080p projectors, driven by a single nVidia Titan X gpu. Immersive Display Pro does the warping for 200 degree view. Someday when I grow up I would like to do the curved screen or LCD screen setup, but I'm pretty happy with it for now, and P3Dv5 has nearly doubled my framerate so that allows me to crank things up πŸ™‚ I've been having fun πŸ™‚ James P.S. - Thank you John for the nice comments!
  6. Hi Pete, Yes all good here. Still have the same cockpit, although it has come quite a long way from when you and Enrico flew it. And about three years ago I converted it to the 737 MAX. I spend more time flying these days than building, she is mostly complete πŸ™‚ Here is a link to a pic if you are interested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8f11zcerq9f4tf4/James_MAX.png?dl=0 Take care. Sincere thank you for the many many years of FSUIPC. James
  7. I did read it and learned I could install FSUIPC outside the P3D folder, but obviously missed that tidbit about where the docs went. And yes, I am aware what a ChangeLog is πŸ˜‰, My Avatar may say "newbie", but I've been simming since 1994! Been using this software since Adam wrote the first version. In fact Pete visited my hangar back in about 2003ish to fly my cockpit. Good times. Anyway, I'll stop bothering you. James
  8. Ahhh yes there is the piece I was missing, I didn't realize the docs were no longer in the same folder as FSUIPC.DLL. Thank you. James
  9. Hi guys, I have FSUIPC6 installed and registered and working well in both P3Dv4 and P3Dv5. Thank you! I did not see a change log anywhere in the SDK docs or anywhere else, just curious if anything new in v6 besides P3Dv5 compatibility. Did I miss the doc someplace? Thanks! James
  10. Hi Pete, Any update to this regarding capturing the ATC menu with your latest FSUIPC (5.13+) and WideClient (WideClient 7.146) updates? Also, with regard to the SimC menus (GSX for example), I find that when the menu disappears from the screen automatically after it's timeout that the event.textmenu does not fire off sending a msg count of 0 in order for me to clear my menu. Is that by design? I get the event when I close the menu manually. Thanks, James
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