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Everything posted by hkhoanguyen

  1. @Paul Henty Thanks Paul for the example. Do you know if we can control the volumn with it ?
  2. Hello Paul, Could you please give me some examples of playing wav by 0x4200 ? Thanks
  3. That works perfectly well, thanks Paul a lot for your help. Have a nice day
  4. Hello, @Paul Henty I have one question, do we have in PMDG_737_NGX_Control, an event for SHIFT Button on EFB Keyboard ? I checked in PMDG_NG3_SDK.h as well, there is no SHIFT control event. But I also saw this : // Parameter: 1000000 x (action code) + 1000 x (X Coordinate) + (Y Coordinate) // action codes: 0 = mouse move, 1 = mouse click, 2= mouse release, 3 = mouse wheel up, 4 = mouse wheel down // X / Y Coordinates: 0..1000 of EFB_SCREEN_WIDTH / EFB_SCREEN_HEIGHT (not required for action codes 3 & 4) How can I get the EFB Coordinates + action mouse click to click on one specific place on the EFB with FSUIPC PMDG_737_NGX_Control ? Thanks
  5. Hello Im trying to read CDU of NGXu PMDG on the CDU 1 Offset 0x5800 but it does not work PMDG_NGX_CDU_Screen cdu = new PMDG_NGX_CDU_Screen(0x5800); cdu.RefreshData(); if (cdu.Powered) { the cdu.Powered returns false. It works with offset 0x5400 CDU 0 Any idea of what I'm doing wrong ? Thanks
  6. Thanks Paul, it works, however, this offset only can detect two values 2 (in VC) and 4 (Outside) If that is Wingview or inside the plane, it still returns 4. what I'm looking for is the way to recognize that the current view is "inside" the plane (VC, Wingview or any position that is inside the plane), do you know if there exists a helper like that ? Ive been searching in Simconnect, what I found is SimConnect_RequestCameraRelative6DOF that can provide X,Y,Z values, I could base on those values to detect if I'm inside the plane, what do you think ? or is there any better idea ? Thanks and nice weekend!
  7. Hello, Is there anyway using fsuipc.net to detect if the current view is in the VC or cabin or outside? Thanks
  8. Thanks Paul for the reply, Wav file is a bit heavy for storage, im looking for the nuget library that can play Ogg file in my application, however I haven't found one with free license yet. 😞
  9. Hello, I would like to implement a functionality that can play sound (mp3, ogg, etc) within the sim with FSUIPC.NET, could you please tell me if it is possible or suggest me some ideas ? Thanks
  10. Thanks a lot for your quick reply, Paul, nice day
  11. Hello Paul, Could you please help me how to call Ctrl + Shift with Send KeyToFS ? What im using here is only with Ctrl. FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Keys.F1, SendModifierKeys.Control, null); I want to send Ctrl + Shift + F1. Thank you
  12. Hi John, here is the full log using your latest dll, thanks Hi Pete, Yes , it is the only plane that I set in FSUIPC for the moment, I deleted all previous ini file and do a new one FSUIPC6.log
  13. User Name="Khoa Nguyen" User Addr="hkhoanguyen@gmail.com" FSUIPC6 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired 181797 System time = 07/05/2021 14:17:57, Simulator time = 12:00:52 (17:00Z) 181797 FLT path = "D:\Documents\Prepar3D v5 Files\" [Continuation log requested by user] Running inside Prepar3D v5 on Windows 10 Module base=7FFDCA8F0000 182250 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N 184281 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 3 (IN=-15773, OUT=-15872) 184297 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 4 (IN=-15131, OUT=-15648) 184312 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 6 (IN=-14360, OUT=-15360) 184312 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -15401 (0xffffc3d7) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184328 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 11 (IN=-13525, OUT=-14554) 184359 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 13 (IN=-12754, OUT=-14294) 184375 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 16 (IN=-11822, OUT=-13824) 184390 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -13762 (0xffffca3e) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184390 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 21 (IN=-10923, OUT=-12974) 184406 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 23 (IN=-10023, OUT=-12586) 184437 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 28 (IN=-9156, OUT=-11776) 184437 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -11796 (0xffffd1ec) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184453 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 32 (IN=-8096, OUT=-11170) 184468 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 36 (IN=-6907, OUT=-10494) 184500 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 41 (IN=-5783, OUT=-9728) 184500 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -9666 (0xffffda3e) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184515 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 47 (IN=-4594, OUT=-8692) 184531 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 52 (IN=-3309, OUT=-7918) 184547 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 60 (IN=-2024, OUT=-6634) 184578 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 66 (IN=-771, OUT=-5632) 184578 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -5571 (0xffffea3d) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184593 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 70 (IN=192, OUT=-4928) 184625 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 76 (IN=1184, OUT=-3936) 184625 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -3932 (0xfffff0a4) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184625 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 83 (IN=2304, OUT=-2816) 184656 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 89 (IN=3296, OUT=-1824) 184672 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 94 (IN=4064, OUT=-1056) 184703 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 99 (IN=4800, OUT=-128) 184703 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -164 (0xffffff5c) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184718 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 105 (IN=5376, OUT=768) 184734 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 109 (IN=6112, OUT=1504) 184750 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 114 (IN=6880, OUT=2272) 184750 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 2293 (0x000008f5) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184765 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 125 (IN=8160, OUT=4064) 184797 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 133 (IN=9343, OUT=5376) 184812 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 141 (IN=10271, OUT=6720) 184828 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 6717 (0x00001a3d) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184843 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 149 (IN=11167, OUT=8096) 184843 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 158 (IN=11999, OUT=9440) 184875 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 166 (IN=12895, OUT=10850) 184890 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 10812 (0x00002a3c) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184890 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 173 (IN=13663, OUT=11972) 184922 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 181 (IN=14303, OUT=13252) 184937 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 184 (IN=14751, OUT=13730) 184953 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 188 (IN=15103, OUT=14340) 184953 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 14417 (0x00003851) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 184968 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 193 (IN=15551, OUT=15236) 185000 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 198 (IN=16127, OUT=16130) 185015 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 16055 (0x00003eb7) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 185015 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 200 (IN=16383, OUT=16384) 185062 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 16383 (0x00003fff) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 186750 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 195 (IN=15679, OUT=15492) 186781 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 184 (IN=14751, OUT=13730) 186797 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 170 (IN=13439, OUT=11524) 186812 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 158 (IN=11999, OUT=9440) 186828 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 9502 (0x0000251e) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 186828 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 141 (IN=10271, OUT=6720) 186859 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 126 (IN=8415, OUT=4320) 186875 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 110 (IN=6208, OUT=1600) 186875 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= 1638 (0x00000666) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 186890 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 92 (IN=3744, OUT=-1376) 186922 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 75 (IN=1088, OUT=-4032) 186937 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 63 (IN=-1510, OUT=-6120) 186953 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 50 (IN=-4144, OUT=-8242) 186953 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -8192 (0xffffe000) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 186968 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 39 (IN=-6329, OUT=-9916) 187000 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 31 (IN=-8288, OUT=-11364) 187000 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -11305 (0xffffd3d7) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 187015 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 24 (IN=-9862, OUT=-12426) 187031 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 18 (IN=-11340, OUT=-13392) 187047 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 12 (IN=-12818, OUT=-14336) 187078 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 7 (IN=-14199, OUT=-15228) 187078 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -15237 (0xffffc47b) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 187093 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 3 (IN=-15645, OUT=-15872) 187125 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Right set = 0 (IN=-16384, OUT=-16383) 187187 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66388 (0x00010354), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET 188672 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 3 (IN=-15516, OUT=-15872) 188687 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 6 (IN=-14488, OUT=-15360) 188687 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -15401 (0xffffc3d7) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 188718 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 10 (IN=-13750, OUT=-14778) 188734 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 13 (IN=-12754, OUT=-14294) 188765 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 22 (IN=-10698, OUT=-12800) 188765 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -12779 (0xffffce15) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 188765 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 33 (IN=-7967, OUT=-11042) 188797 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 43 (IN=-5237, OUT=-9336) 188812 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 55 (IN=-2731, OUT=-7340) 188828 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 66 (IN=-546, OUT=-5632) 188843 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -5571 (0xffffea3d) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 188859 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 79 (IN=1664, OUT=-3456) 188875 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 92 (IN=3808, OUT=-1312) 188890 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 108 (IN=5856, OUT=1248) 188890 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 1310 (0x0000051e) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 188906 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 120 (IN=7552, OUT=3328) 188937 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 133 (IN=9375, OUT=5440) 188953 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 5406 (0x0000151e) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 188953 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 149 (IN=11135, OUT=8064) 188984 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 165 (IN=12767, OUT=10692) 188984 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 181 (IN=14303, OUT=13252) 189015 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 194 (IN=15647, OUT=15428) 189031 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 15400 (0x00003c28) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 189031 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 200 (IN=16383, OUT=16384) 189078 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 16383 (0x00003fff) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 190625 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 188 (IN=15103, OUT=14340) 190625 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 178 (IN=14079, OUT=12804) 190656 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 171 (IN=13471, OUT=11588) 190672 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 11631 (0x00002d6f) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 190672 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 166 (IN=12799, OUT=10754) 190703 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 157 (IN=11967, OUT=9408) 190718 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 149 (IN=11039, OUT=7968) 190718 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 8027 (0x00001f5b) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 190734 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 138 (IN=9823, OUT=6240) 190750 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 128 (IN=8703, OUT=4608) 190765 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 120 (IN=7552, OUT=3328) 190765 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= 4587 (0x000011eb) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 190797 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 112 (IN=6528, OUT=1920) 190812 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 104 (IN=5280, OUT=672) 190843 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 90 (IN=3488, OUT=-1632) 190843 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 74 (IN=800, OUT=-4320) 190843 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -4260 (0xffffef5c) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 190875 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 56 (IN=-2667, OUT=-7276) 190890 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 37 (IN=-6682, OUT=-10268) 190906 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -10322 (0xffffd7ae) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 190922 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 20 (IN=-10987, OUT=-13038) 190937 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 6 (IN=-14296, OUT=-15324) 190953 *** TOE BRAKE AXIS, Left set = 0 (IN=-16384, OUT=-16383) 191031 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -11960 (0xffffd148) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 191078 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -13598 (0xffffcae2) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 191156 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -15237 (0xffffc47b) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 191203 *** AXIS: Cntrl= 66387 (0x00010353), Param= -16384 (0xffffc000) AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET 194500 Deactivated: culprit unknown 194500 Focus lost: culprit unknown John, here is my log file, after moving left and right brake
  14. Thanks John for the reply, I open FSUIPC, and saw that Profile Specific is checked by default and grey out, unable to check or un check
  15. Hello, I have an issue with the Joystick Calibration, I set my pedals as LeftBrake and RightBrake in FSUIPC, and set the curve to +3 to make the brake less sensitive, everything is perfect! Until I restart the sim and reload the plane (NGXu) the brake is now so sensitive as just like I didn't set any response curve to it, despite of the value is still the same Could you please verify this ? in the attachment, my fsuipc ini 737NG Section Im running the latest FSUIPC UpdatedByVersion=6100 FSUIPC6.ini
  16. HEllo @Paul Henty, Could you help me to find the answer for the question above ? thanks
  17. Hello @spokes2112, I tried your lua script today with P3D v5, but it does not work, could you confirm that ? Thanks
  18. Hello Paul, thanks for your reply, Ok, so i will continue using my timer, one question, in the timer, I'm implementing GSX auto selection, and between each GSX selection, I use Thread.sleep(500) : --my timer interval 500 msecs FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Keys.F12, SendModifierKeys.Control, null); Thread.Sleep(500); FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Keys.F1, SendModifierKeys.None, null); Thread.Sleep(500); FSUIPCConnection.SendKeyToFS(Keys.F1, SendModifierKeys.None, null); Thread.Sleep(500); --my timer interval 500 msecs Do you think it (Thread.sleep) is a good and efficient way to do ? Could you suggest me any other way to have a slight delay between keypresses ? @Paul Henty
  19. Hello, May I ask whether FSUIPC C# has any function to monitor the change in offset/Lvars ? I'm using the timer but I would like to know if it exists like in Lua (event.offset, event.Lvars), if not do you have any idea to implement one ? Thanks
  20. Thanks John, another question, when using ipc.sleep, does it block the whole lua script ? (means other actions wont be able to execute during this sleep ?) Thanks
  21. Thanks John, I implemented it with a global boolean variable, I'm thinking of switching my code from lua to C#, do you know whether in c# with FSUIPC DLL there are also the event.offset or event.timer or event.lvar ? thanks @John Dowson @Paul Henty
  22. Hi John, It is exactly that i was not using the latest version, it is fixed now. I have one more question, do you have any idea of how to prevent the initial load of function when using event.offset ? I just dont want to run my function when the lua is loaded, thanks! Except of using boolean global variable, I can"t think of any other way.
  23. I didn't know that thers is a newer version of FSUIPC, mine is FSUIPC6, Version 6.0.9 I will update it to see, Thanks John
  24. my sim is P3D v5 and FSUIPC 6 Sorry if i was not clear enough, Before adding event.key, my ipc.keypress worked normally Yes my loop function is still getting called by the timer, and yes my aftertakeoff function also gets called when I press 191, everything works except the ipc.keypress stops working when I add event.key line
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