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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. It may have the latest VC++ libraries installed, but it won't have the latest combined package which is the one needed....this is always the issue that people have with new PCs/laptops... John
  2. Please see the provided Installation and Registration guide, section Invalid Key Problems. You will need to install the latest combined VC++ redistributables.
  3. Presets will be loaded even when the WASM module is not detected in the next release, and I have also added the ini parameter ExitIfEventsAreMissing. I will probably release this version (7.3.22) tomorrow. The new version is attached below if you would like to try it. John FSUIPC7.exe
  4. There is no "demo" version of FSUIPC. There is only one version, and the additional facilities provided by having a license/registered copy are only available once you have registered your license. You do this at the end of the installation process. Please see the provided documentation in installing and registering FSUIPC7. John
  5. I can easily update to load the presets even when the WASM isn't installed, but handling the missing events files is trickier. I will see if I can handle this better, otherwise I will add the 'ExitIfEventsAreMissing=Yes" ini file option.
  6. This will cause the same issue - when the FSUIPC detects that the WASM isn't available, it won't load the preset files and you will get the same problem. I will look into rectifying this... John
  7. Can you please show me your FSUIPC7.ini file so that I can see your assignments. Also an FSUIPC7.log file generated showing your issue would be useful - activate logging for Axis Controls, load your aircraft and move the assigned axis that isn't working through its full range, then exit FSUIPC7 before attaching the files. And please make sure that it is a full log file and not a continuation log file, i.e. do NOT use the New Log feature. Finishing now for the day/weekend - I may take a look tomorrow, otherwise it will be Monday now, John
  8. i do nor provide or support the GoFlight Interface Tool or GFDevFSX, whatever that is. Please contact the providers of these utilities if you want to use them. I do support the GF driver for FSUIPC, available from http://fsuipc.com/, which I believe also supports the GF MCPPRO. You need the 64-bit drivers for use with FSUIPC7 and MSFS2020. Side-by-side is the windows WinSxS folder, used to hold shared libs and dlls - see https://www.thewindowsclub.com/winsxs-folder-windows-7-8. John
  9. This can happen if/when FSUIPC is started and cannot read the preset file(s) (events.txt and myevents,txt). As it cannot map the preset name to its control number, the control number reverts to 0 and this value is then used when the ini file is re-written. I am not sure what happened in your case, i.e. why FSUIPC could not load the presets. Did you manually remove or rename the events.txt file at some point? I am not sure if there is anything i can do about this but will take a look to see if I can prevent such assignments being re-written if the preset cannot be found. In the mean-time, just back-up your FSUIPC7.ini file occasionally, when you have added or changed any assignments. Please also check that you are using the latest version of FSUIPC7, which is currently 7.3.21. John
  10. There is a specific option for this on the 3rd calibration page. From the FSUIPC User guide, page 44: Alternatively, you can assign an axis to up to 4 controls, so you can just assign one lever to engine 1 & 2 throttle control, and the other lever to the controls for engines 3 & 4., John
  11. Ok, but that seems strange, PMDG aircraft usually have issues with FSUIPC calibration if assigned in the sim or in FSUIPC with 'Send to FS as normal axis' due to priority levels. In FSUIPC6 an earlier, even though they are called 'hot keys' they are no actual windows hot keys, just key assignments to common functions. They work the same as having the equivalent key assignment, and so provide no added functionality really. This is why they were removed in FSUIPC7. Ok, good! Cheers, John
  12. Yes - or the throttlesync on/off controls Yes - you need to assign the throttles in FSUIPC only, and with 'Send direct to FSUIPC calibration'. It doesn't work in FSUIPC7 when assigned in the FS or when assigned with 'Send to FS as normal axis'. Does it work in P3D when the throttle is assigned in P3D? That would surprise me, especially with PMDG aircraft (which I do not have for P3D and so cannot check unfortunately). John
  13. Can you first check your key assignments in MSFS - is the 'M' key assigned there? If so, remove that assignment - by default it is assigned to Magneto... If you still have issues after that, please show me/attach your FSUIPC7.ini file, and also your profile-specific ini file if using profiles-in-separate-files. I am pretty busy at the moment but will take a look when time permits. John
  14. I did check this and it is the same in all versions of P3D. I have also asked about this on the LM developer forums but have yet to receive a reply. I will update if and when I get one... Cheers, John
  15. Please see the WideeFS Technical document on how to start programs from WideClient. There is no [Programs] section in the WideClient.ini - you need to use the [User] section, there is no RunIf command, and no actions. Instead of: try: John
  16. License sent - please also see Done. John
  17. How have you assigned your throttle? I have noticed similar behavior when assigned as 'Send to FS as normal axis;', except they remain synced when I move the throttle 1 axis but separate when I move the throttle 2 axis. However, if I assign as 'Send direct to FSUIPC calibration; to Throttle1 and Throttle2 it seems to work - the throttle 1 axis works syncing both throttles and the throttle2 axis has no effect.
  18. Ok - with further testing I have found that you can use Landing Lights On/Off with a parameter of 0 for nose, 1 for left and 2 for right.
  19. Have you tried Landing Light Left and Landing Light Right, with a parameter of 1 for on and 0 for off? To determine what control is used by any button or switch, if any, you can set logging for Events (Log->Events), open the logging console window (Log->Open Console), and then operate the switch in the VC and see what control/event and parameter is/are used, and then assign to that. Later: I have just taken a look and all the landing lights (left. nose, set) are just using the Landing Lights Set control, with a parameter of 1 for on and 0 for off. However, sending this will turn all the landing lights on/off - it doesn't look possible to control them individually... John
  20. There is nothing wrong. Many MSFS aircraft continually send various events/controls, and these are different for each aircraft. You can use the DontLogThese ini parameter to stop such events being logged, best used in a profile section as they are aircraft specific.
  21. Hi Paul. Sorry for the delay with this... I have checked the code and the throttle-sync controls do exactly the same thing as the hot-key assignment in P3D, so I am not sure why it isn't working the same, but probably due to aircraft differences. I will take a look further when I can. What aircraft are you using this with in MSFS?
  22. But why are you trying to use lvars for these? For example, for the beacon lights you can use the standard controls: Beacon Lights On/Off/Set. You should always try standard controls before trying lvars. And some controls require a combination of lvar/hvar/standard controls, and for these it is easier to use presets. I recommend that you always first try any standard controls. If they don't work, the next port-of-call should be the HubHop preset list (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) where you can search for available presets by aircraft and sub-system (amongst other search parameters). All MF presets are available for assignment by checking the Select for preset checkbox, If the standard controls don't work, and there are no available presets, you can then start looking at available lvars, and even looking at the aircraft xml files to see if any hvars are available, or at the code that implements the UI to see how the switch works...but this can get quite complicated to understand and is recommended for experts only. You can always post a request in the MF discord channel to ask if someone knows the preset code for a particular button or switch if its not currently available. John
  23. Ok, that is strange - the lvar WASM should not have that much impact in performance. You could try tuning the WASM by setting the following WASM ini parameters: LvarUpdateFrequency=Second -- this will then only send lvar updates every second, rather than at 6Hz LvarScanDelay=10 -- this will delay the initial scan to detect lvars by10 seconds (default is 5) LvarScanFrequency=-20 -- this will instruct to only scan for new lvars every 20 seconds (the default is 2 seconds) It is used to provide FSUIPC and FSUIPC clients with access to lvars, hvars and calculator code. There are also some non-FSUIPC add-ons that also use the facilities provided by this WASM module. I don't know if the apps you use will use this - if they work ok without this then you are probably Ok. As you are using the free version of FSUIPC, FSUIPC itself will not be using the WASM module unless for an add-on. John
  24. Looking into this further, I noticed this on the AS6 page: Advanced radar and precipitation, cloud detection, motion effect, in-cloud visibility reduction and advanced radar API and ASCA cloud structure/texture integration available in legacy (non-volumetric) clouds mode So I turned off volumetric clouds in the P3D options (moved slider in World->Weather->Volumetric Clouds to off) and can now see the correct values in offsets 0x8640 and 0x8641. Could this be your issue? i.e. try disabling volumetric clouds
  25. I finally managed to get a license for AS6... The visibility offset 0x863C looks ok here - this is what I see when I set custom weather as rain: I also get no data in these offsets. I have raised this with AS. The documentation is wrong and will be updated - it uses the as_connect_v5.dll, the same one as for P3Dv5. And the dll does not need to be in the FSUIPC installation folder (my mistake), as FSUIPC links to/uses the one running in the FS. I will check the other data points and let you know if/when I hear anything from HiFi Simulation Technologies. Note however, it is a beta release and it does say: This is a BETA version and it will have bugs, issues and be unfinished. John
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